Luke - fever in london

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This is a request from @StaceyStonier

Can you do one please. Luke gets sick while doing the promo tour in London like now and the others take care of him please.

Of course. Here you go. Hope you like it.

5 seconds of summer was recently in London on their promo tour for their new album and the single Want You Back. London was freezing cold and it was snowing. The lads had been walking around in the evening and the cold weather was way colder than the weather back home in Australia.

The following night, Calum couldn't sleep. He wasn't tired anymore so he just laid in his bunk with his phone hoping he didn't woke anyone up.

Unfortunately the heard sobs coming from the opposite site of the bus. He looked over and saw the youngest band member, sobbing in pain and holding his stomach.

"Luke? Mate? Are you okay?" Calum asked quietly.
Luke shook his head as more tears streamed down his face.

Calum jumped out of his bunk rushing to Luke. "Buddy hold on, I'll wake the others up. Try to relax." He told Luke as he went to Ashton's bunk. He shook Ashton's body till he woke up.

"What is it Calum?" Ashton asked tiredly.

"Luke is in pain. Get up."

Calum did exactly the same to Michael and it didn't took long for the boys to get up.

"Luke tell me, what hurts?" Ashton asked as all the boys were next to Lukes bunk.

"My stomach..." Luke croaked out and clutched his stomach harder.

"He looks even paler than me." Michael said. Calum and Ashton agreed. Ashton grabbed Luke's hand and reassured him that everything was going to be fine.

"Mikey, can you get a thermometer, some water, a wet cloth and maybe some painkillers?" Calum asked his best friend.

"On its way." Michael replied and left the bunk. Calum laid his hand on Luke's forehead, which made Luke shiver.

"Sorry mate." Calum said and pulled his hand away again. "Ash he's burning up."

Ashton nodded. Finally Michael came back with all the stuff Calum ordered.
Thermometer, water, wet cloth and painkillers.

Ashton took the thermometer from Michael and put it in Luke's ear. Luke shivered and tried to move his head away.

"Luke, stay still. I know it's uncomfortable but you have to hang in there just a bit longer." Calum said and held Luke's sweaty forehead steady while Ashton finished.

"He's on 101,8." Ashton informed. The other guys nodded. Ashton made Luke swallow a couple of painkillers before laying the wet cloth on his forehead.

"Just go back to sleep guys. I'll stay down here to keep an eye on him. Then we will see how it all looks tomorrow." Ashton said and the other boys nodded and went back to their bunks.

The next morning

Ashton woke up with Luke sweating even harder. The other guys were already up.

"Cal, you have to take over now. Michael and I will make him some soup and tea." Ashton said. Calum nodded and sat down next to Luke.

Ashton and Michael went to the kitchen part of the bus and Calum went to get the sick bucket before sitting next to Luke again.

A couple of minutes later Luke started gagging and Calum quickly lifted the sick bucket and brought it to Lukes chin.

"GUYS!" Calum yelled.

Ashton came in. Michael was still cooking. Ash sat next to Luke and rubbed his back.

"Oh Luke mate. Let it out come on." Calum said.

Luke shook his head and swallowed, refusing to throw up.

Ashton sighed and brought his hand to Lukes shirtless stomach where he started to press it softly. After a couple of presses, Luke leaned over the bucket and threw up his dinner from the day before.

Luke threw up for a couple of minutes straight before falling back into the bed and closing his eyes. He felt completely drained from energy.

"I'm going to call the management. Luke won't be able to make it through the interview today." Ashton said.

"I agree but he can't be home alone either. Who's going to be here with him?" Calum asked.

"I am." Ashton said. "I'm the oldest and it's more important for you and Mikey to go."

Calum nodded.

Ashton left the room to call the management.

Soon, Michael and Calum left the bus to go to the interview, while Luke and Ashton stayed at home.

It took a couple of days to get Luke back in the track, but he finally felt good again.

Hoped you liked it. Remember to;

Thank you all

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