Calum - Avengers sickness

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requested by Zoeisabelletria12177

5sos are meeting the Avengers cast. However, Calum got really sick but he has a low fever. When they finally meet the actors and actresses his fever got even higher and Tom Holland first notices it. Calum's fever got even higher so he ends up in the hospital


Luke - 17

Calum - 18

michael - 18

ashton - 19

The lads of 5 seconds of summer were going to meet the Avengers infinity war cast. They were all really excited. All of them loved the Avengers. The thing was that infinity war was while being shoot and 5 seconds of summer had gotten the great opportunity to be on set and meet the cast.     They were filming in New York City and a great thing was that it was on one of the stops of the tours.

"Go lads!" Ashton yelled and waved the others to the bus. Luke, being his cheery self, cheered with his arms in the air and ran to the bus. Michael chuckled and did an impression of Lukes cheers, which made Luke pout. He didn't find Michael's impression the least bit funny. Ashton smacked the back of Michael's head.

"Ow." Michael pouted.

"Oops, sorry. My hand got such a shock by your stupidy that it flew by itself." Ashton shrugged and raised his hands in a surrender. Michael huffed and walked in leaving Luke with Ashton. Ashton hugged Luke.

"You okay Lukey?" Ashton asked the younger member.

"He's a meanie:" Luke mumbled and walked in. Ashton sighed. He really hoped that this Avengers meet-up would make some of the tense moods within the band disappear.

"Calum!" Ashton yelled. "Come on! We are running late!"

Calum walked to the bus and Ashton patted his back.

"You okay?" He asked, hoping he would say yes. Dealing with a pissed Michael, sad Luke and not so well Calum was definitely not his dream day but he would do anything for these lads. Calum nodded luckily and walked to the back room of the bus with Luke and Michael.

Truth is that Calum didn't feel well. He was freezing and also a bit dizzy when he was walking. He felt so tired, but he refused to stay home from the Avengers meet-up. He really loved Avengers. Especially the Winter Soldier and Captain America. He really wanted to meet these guys.

The driver drove them to the set and parked the bus. The boys ran out of the bus. Luke was cheering again. Michael was about to do an impression of Luke again, but Ashton gave him a death glare and he stopped himself from doing it. Calum came out as the last one. He walked after the other boys.

They were lead to a tent by the director of the movie. Apparently, that was their break-tent. There were many actors here.

"This is where all of our actors are when they're not being filmed. Sometimes they leave the set to get food or something though." The director explained. "Everyone is pretty busy right now, so you can walk around on your own for a bit and look around. Then you can probably talk to someone later."

The lads nodded. Luke wanted to go see the girls getting makeup on. Ashton went to see the filmings with Michael and Calum stayed in the tent to relax a bit. He sat on a chair and watched Tom Holland getting into the spider-man suit. Tom notices that Calum looked a bit off and under the weather. As Tom finally finished up with the suit he walked to Calum.

"Hey bud, are you okay?" He asked. Calum nodded weakly. "You look pale.." Tom pointed out and looked at his glove covered hands. He thought for a second. "Chris?!" He called out.

"Which one?!" Three men yelled back.

"I don't care! One of you!"

Chris Hemsworth came over.

"What do you need, mate?" He asked with his thick Australian accent.

"Can you lay your hand on this Aussie's forehead?" Tom asked. Chris did as told and laid his hand on Calum's forehead.

"Fever, definitely," Chris stated. Tom thanked him and Chris walked away again. Tom knelt down in front of Calum.

"If you feel worse, you tell someone okay?" Calum nodded.

Tom left the room.

"Downey and Paltrow are on in 3." A man yelled through the tent.

Hours passed by and Calum felt worse and worse. He couldn't see the boys anywhere.

"Anyone want to go for lunch?" Chris Evans asked. Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan, Chris Hemsworth, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Robert Downey Jr. raises their hands. "More?"

"What about you mate?" Chris Hemsworth asked looking at Calum. Calum didn't want to be rude, so he nodded and went with the actors.

They all drove in Chris' car to a restaurant nearby. They ordered and waited for their food. The actors talked and laughed all the time. Sometimes Calum laughed a little too, but he felt so sick. It just got worse and worse until his stomach decided the protest. He gagged hardly, turned away from the table and vomited violently on the floor. The actors gasped. Robert jumped up and held Calums body to make sure he didn't fall. The Chrisses rubbed his back and Sebastian ran to get a bucket. Tom went to get a wet rag and Gwyneth ran her hands through his hair.

"Guys, he got a high fever," Gwyneth said. Calum let out a sob.

"Evans, get me a tissue," Robert said. Chris handed him a tissue and Robert wiped Calums mouth. "Okay bud, time to get up." He said and scooted Calum up in his arms. "Call Pratt or something. I'm going to take the car and drive him to the hospital, but a lot of you got scenes to film soon. I am the only one off for the day."

He gave them no time to protest, but Chris Evans passed him the car keys, allowing him to go. Robert carried the crying Calum to the car. Robert had kids himself and he was a really caring man. He shushed Calum on the entire ride to the hospital.

When they reached the hospital, he carried him inside. Robert held Calums hand for the support the entire time. When they waited, when the doctor gave him an IV and when he was napping.

They went back to the set when Calum was signed out and He spend the rest of the day with his loving bandmembers and the cast.

The Avengers were really real-life heroes.

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