Luke - Sick at wango tango

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Luke gets sick while being at wango tango, but the boys have interviews and can't stay with him. Shawn Mendes however, is a very kind Canadian who will help everyone including Luke.

Ages; (I know that's not their real ages, and it doesn't make sense but just imagine it.)
Luke - 17
Calum and Michael - 18
Ashton - 19
Shawn - 19

Luke heaved over the toilet while Ashton was rubbing his back.
"Awe Lukey. Let it out." Ashton said and Luke vomited harshly into the toilet. Matt rushed inside.
"Luke can take the day off but you guys have to do your stuff." He said. Ashton nodded. He wasn't happy about the thought of leaving Luke alone, but he had to he guess.

After Luke stopped throwing up, Ashton made him lay on the couch in their dressing room and the boys then left for the interview.

They walked through the VIP halls as they saw their Canadian friend Shawn Mendes talking to his crew. Shawn randomly turned his head and saw the 3 of the 5sos boys.
"Hey guys!" Shawn said and waved. They all waved back. Shawn hugged each of them.
"Where's Luke?" Shawn asked confused. He had never seen them go without each other.
"Oh poor boy threw up the entire morning. He's resting in our dressing room. But we had to go to the interview." Calum said.
"We're not happy about leaving him though." Ashton added.
"Hey Andrew? How long do I have till I have to go on stage?" Shawn asked his manager.
"Oh that's a long time. Like 4 hours." He answered.
"Okay. Don't worry. I'll look after him." Shawn smiled.
"Thanks man." Michael said and the boys had to go for their interview.

"Hey Andrew, I promised the 5sos boys that I would look after Luke until I have to go on stage is that okay?" Shawn asked his manager.
"Yeah that's fine."
Shawn went down the dressingroom hallway and read the signs.

5 seconds of summer

He read on one of the signs. He entered the room being careful of making too much noise. He saw Luke sleeping on the couch. He was pale and a bit sweaty. Shawn tiptoed to the couch and kneeled down in front of Luke. Shawn ran his fingers through the blonde hair. Luke whimpered.
"Shhh... Luke I'm here." Shawn said and stroke his hair.
"S-Shawn?" Luke whimpered.
"Yes buddy it's me. You're sick huh?"
Luke nodded and a hard gag spread through his body. Shawn quickly grabbed a bin and placed it in front of Luke. Luke sat up quickly and started to vomit in the bin. Shawn rubbed his back.

Luke finally finished and leant into Shawn.
"Shhh..." Shawn shushed softly.
Luke cried into the crook of his neck.
"Come on." Shawn said made Luke lay down. Shawn the crawled onto the couch and laid behind Luke. He pulled Luke into him and just held him tightly.

Luke was out fast. Shawn started to play with his blonde hair. He heard the door open and he looked up to see the 5sos boys.

"How is he?" Calum asked.
"He threw up about 30 minutes ago. But he's fine for now." Shawn answered and continued to play with Luke's hair.

"Have you enjoyed to take over the daddy5sos role?" Ashton giggled.
"It wasn't that bad to take care of a sick hemmings." Shawn said. "He just gets super clingy."
"Yeah we know." Michael said.

"You are free to go Shawn." Ashton said.
"Actually, I would like to stay here for a little. I don't want to wake him up yet." Shawn smiled.

Luke whimpered and Shawn immediately pulled him closer.
"Shhh shhh.. I'm here.. easy now.." Shawn whispered and rested his chin on Luke's head. He felt his shirt getting wet from Luke's tears and it broke his heart.
"I want Jack." Luke whimpered.
"Do you want me to call Jack?" Shawn asked. Luke nodded.
"Alright, what's his number?"

Luke gave Shawn Jacks number and Shawn called him.
"Jack Hemmings?" Jack said through the phone.
"Hey Jack it's Shawn Mendes."
"Shawn Mendes?"
"Yeah, look, your brother, Luke, is a little sick at the moment, and he really wants to talk to you. Is that fine?" Shawn explained.
"Yeah completely fine." Jack said. Shawn handed the phone to Luke.

"Hey Lukey, are you okay?" Jack asked.
"I-I threw up." Luke cried.
"Luke shhh... it's alright buddy... shh..." jack comforted. He knew how much of a baby Luke would be when he was sick, and he knew how much he wanted his brothers when he was.

Luke and Jack talked for about 30 minutes. Jack was able to get Luke's mood up and cheer him up a bit. Luke didn't even notice that Shawn stood up, cleaned out the bin, ruffles his hair and then left. And when Luke and Jack told each other goodbye, Luke was having tears of joy down his cheeks.

He was a happy but sick hemmo.

Thank you all
- Filippa

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