Michael - "crystal? Cuddle?"

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This one is for @Styles__harder

Michael gets sick and crystal takes care of him.

Michael- 21
Crystal- 20 (idk how old she is in real life and I know Michael is 22 in real life but in this sickfic hes 21.)

Michael heaved over the toilet trying not to wake his girlfriend up. He gagged and the vomit slashed from his mouth into the toilet.

Michael groaned and held a hand on his stomach. He tried to catch his breath before even one more wave of vomit came.

Michael felt a cold hand on his back and a kiss being planted In his shirtless shoulder.

"Did I wake you?" Michael whispered under his breath. Crystal shook her head.

"No." She said. "South did."

Crystal lied. Michael did wake her up but she didn't mind. And she didn't wanted Michael to worry or feel bad. She rubbed his back as he threw up again. She held his hair out of his face feeling his forehead at the same time.

Michael finally sat back against her and she wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close.

"You're okay." She whispered. "Do you think you're done?"

Michael nodded and crystal helped him stand up. She grabbed a thermometer, some stomach relaxers, some water and a sick bucket before leading Michael back to his bed.

"Just sleep now." She whispered and closed her eyes.

She woke up shortly after to Michael poking her arm.

"Crystal?" Michael called out.

Crystal hummed a response.

"Cuddle?" Michael asked. Crystal smiled a little and pulled Michael closer. She cuddled him and Michael nozzled into crystal.

The pair fell asleep in each other's arms.

Crystal woke up in the morning to Michael sitting with the bucket between his legs and threw up violently. She started rubbing her back. She put the thermometer in his ear.


That wasn't bad but she was sure Michael wasn't feeling well.

She comforted him until he stopped throwing up and then gave him some stomach relaxers.

She went downstairs to make soup for Michael and she came back up to see him asleep. She woke him up knowing that The soup would get cold by waiting.

Michael didn't had much appetite but he ate half of the soup before laying down with crystal again.

"Crystal?" Michael said.


"I love you."

"I love you too."

This was short I'm so sorry.

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