Ashton - kicked out

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requested by HiddenScreamer and her sister

So ashtons mum kicked him out of the house and he didnt tell anyonr that he had no where to go and kept getting beaten up because he was homelesshe finally breaks down and tells paul because he has a vomiting and diarrhea bug so paul gets the boys one big appartment to live in and its really cuddly with the boys helping ash in the end


Luke - 15

Calum - 16

Michael - 16

Ashton - 17

Ashton slammed the door behind him. He was pissed off. His mom had found a new boyfriend and Ashton couldn't take it. He had touched his drum kit and took the food that was meant to be his, and Ashton was so mad about it.

"Ashton, don't slam the door!" Anne-Marie yelled at her son. She was already upset. She had had a bad day. A really bad day.

"I'm done okay?! I'm done! I can't live with him in this house anymore!" Ashton yelled throwing his arms down his sides.

"Then move!" Anne-Marie yelled, surprised by her own words. She didn't meant that, but right now she was just staring at her son. Ashton shook his head slowly, tears welling into his eyes and  before Anne-Marie could say anything, he was gone.

Ashton ran to the nearest park he could find and broke down in tears. He couldn't believe that he was homeless now. Well he kinda could. it didn't surprise him at all. With his unlucky life, it was almost obvious that this would happen. Since his dad left. His mom had had his back last year when he was suicidal, so why was it so different now?

Ashton stopped crying. That was what his stepdad had taught him. Men does not cry. He decided to go to a small alley, where he would probably be able to sleep without people being after him. He sat on the ground. So this was what it was like being homeless? Ashton had never imagined it, but it felt terrible. Ashton slowly faded to sleep.

The next couple of months, Ashton had been crying more than ever. He had been more injured than ever, Thinner than ever, more scared than ever. People had beat him up multiple times. He had so many places that it hurt that he wasn't sure what hurt the most. Ashton had been thinking of getting help, but where should he get that? He could have went to Calum, Luke or Michael. They were after all a band but the thing was, he was still the new guy. Even though they had been touring and had management now, he was still the new one. The one who lastly joined the band, so couldn't just come and expect to get a home from them.

Ashton had been lucky to find a full charged power bank. He only used his phone when necessary and he only charged it when it was flat. He then received a call. He saw that it was Paul, their manager, so he picked up.

"Hello?" Ashton asked, trying to sound completely normal.

"Hi Ashton, could we meet and talk about the shows for the next tour. I have already talked to Calum and he asked for your opinion." Paul asked.

"Uhm.. Yeah.. Can you uh... meet me in the park?" Ashton asked.

"Yeah sure. Bye."

"Bye." ashton hung up. After a couple of minutes of thinking, Ashton decided to go wait in the park. He sat on a bench.

Paul almost couldn't recognise Ashton. He was skinnier than normally. He was covered in dirt. His hair was ruffled. He had a bruise on his left cheekbone and a road rash on his right leg.

"Ashton?" Paul asked softly, making Ashton look up at him. "What happened?" Paul sat beside Ashton on the bench. Ashton looked down and played with his fingers. Paul gently laid his fingers under Ashtons chin and lifted his head up. Ashton broke down in tears.

Ashton told Paul the entire story about how his mom had told him to leave and how he had been living on the streets for more than 2 months. Paul was shook. He hugged Ashton tightly. Then he picked the small boy up from the ground and carried him to his car.

"Where are we going?" Ashton asked quietly.

"To my house. I'm gonna help you, Ash. Don't worry."

Paul drove the 2 of them home and carried Ashton inside. He placed him on the bathroom floor and pulled the shirt off Ashton. Ashton made a weak whimper in protest but Paul just leaned him back slowly. He washed Ashtons hair with water and a 2 in 1 conditioner, so it wouldn't take as much time. He sat Ashton back up and dried his hair. Paul undressed Ashton slowly, leaving him in boxers only. He looked at all the road rashes and bruises he had. Paul felt bad for the poor boy.

"Hold on, I'm gonna get you something." Paul said and stood up. He went to get an ice cream for Ashton.

"Why an Ice cream?" Ashton asked.

"It's going to get your mind off what I'm doing."

Paul sat down next to Ashton again with a wet cloth and all the necessaries. He held Ashton close as he started pouring water on Ashtons road rash. He choked out a cry. It burned.

"I know buddy. I know, I know shh..." Paul told Ashton as he kept washing the rash. He soon finished up and dressed Ashton in a clean hoodie and shorts. He then carried the crying boy to the guest room and laid him on the bed.

"Yell if you need me." Paul said and went downstairs.

When Ashton got bad stomach cramps and had spent 30 minutes on the toilet, he decided to yell for Paul, who came up immediately.

"It hurts.. " Ashton cried.

"Aww buddy." Paul said and stroke his hair. "You gotta eat some vegetables, bread and eggs."

Ashton nodded and pulled his pants up. He stood up and walked with Paul to the kitchen. Paul made him some food. Ashton ate silently, but he threw it right back up. Ashtons body had just got used to not eating.

A month later, when Ashton was feeling better, Paul bought him an apartment. It was mostly Ashtons, but as more time passed by, the other 3 came to live there as well. They all helped Ashton deal with the fact that he missed his mom, his siblings, his dog, his home, his everything. When Ashton was sad they would make a group cuddle.

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