Luke - laryngitis

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Requested by @zoeisabelletria12177

Luke gets Laryngitis and ends up in the hospital.

Luke - 16

"Luke baby, wake up." Liz spoke as she shook her son awake.
"Stop.." Luke croaked our with a hoarse voice.
"Jesus, sweetie what happened to your voice?" Liz asked and rubbed his back. Luke put his head in his pillow, obviously not wanting to answer the question. Liz rubbed his back, arms and neck.
"Hurts mom.." Luke croaked. Liz could hear he was about to cry.
"Shhh... it's okay baby.. you'll be okay." She said and kissed his head softly. Luke let out a whimper and curled into his mom. Liz shushed her whimpering son.
"I think you should stay home from band practice today.." Liz said. Luke nodded. He didn't wanted to but he knew he couldn't sing with this voice, and he would just make it worse. Liz stood up but Luke grabbed her wrist.
"Don't leave." He whimpered.
"I'll just go get some supplies for you." Liz said and left. She went to the bathroom where she grabbed some medicine and then she went to the kitchen where she got some water.
"Where's Luke?" Andrew asked.
"His throat hurts. He is staying home today." Liz answered. Andrew nodded.

Liz went back to Luke's room. Luke was in the same position as he was when she left.
"Come on baby." She said and helped him sit up. She feed him with the coughing medicine and gave him some water.
"Now you just gotta relax and rest." Liz said and covered Luke up with a blanket. She kissed his forehead and left.

Luke drifted to sleep. But he woke up to his throat burning. He cried out. Liz heard him from her office and rushed to him.
"Shhh baby." She cooed and rubbed his cheek.
"I think we should go to the doctor Alright?" Luke nodded.

The two of them drove to the doctors office.

Luke was soon sitting on the examination bed. His mom was sitting next to him.
"So What seems to be the problem?" The doctor asked.
"Luke's throat has been hurting, and it's getting worse." Liz said grabbing his hand. The doctor nodded and grabbed a wooden stick. She looked in Luke's throat.
"It does look quite red and irritated. He will have to stay here over night so we can keep an eye on him." The doctor said. "I'm gonna get a bed for him." She said.

Liz squeeze Luke's hand knowing he didn't liked hospitals. The doctor came back with the bed and told Luke to lay on it. He did and she wheeled him through the hallway. She wheeled him to a room.

Luke was being feed with yoghurt and ice cream to cool his throat. Being at the hospital also had it's good sides.

- Filippa

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