Luke - 3 weeks?!

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This is for @agentL48

Luke have been sick for a couple of weeks but he hides it and no one notice because Calum has a cold and Ashton and Michael told Luke to go to the store and care for Calum. He then faints in his bed and when he wakes up, Calum is feeling better. Luke then faints at a concert but no one sees because he's in the back and then they turn around and sees him.

You give a lot of details mate!

Luke - 18
Michael and Calum - 19
Ashton - 20

Luke had been feeling of and sick for weeks but he just couldn't tell Ashton. Calum was already sick with the cold and Luke didn't wanted to look like the guy who just wanted attention. Plus Ashton would get so mad at Luke for telling him he was sick when Calum already was.

Ash could deal with one sickie. He was actually quite good at it, but he couldn't do two.

Luke heard Calum sneeze loudly from the couch.

"Luke! Get your ass out off your bunk and get to the store! We need more tissues and cold medicine for Cal!" Michael yelled.

Luke sighed deeply and went out of his bunk. He felt his stomach doing flips and he got dizzy so he leans onto the wall until he regained his vision.

Luke grabbed his jacket and boots and went outside to the cold weather. He swung his scarf around his neck and tied it.

Luke went to the shop which was 300 meters away. He walked in hearing the customer bell ring over his head. The sound echoed in his poor head.

"How May I help you?" The receptionist asked. Luke told her what he needed, and she found it for him.

"Don't you have anyone to take care of you, since you go to the store on your own?" She asked. Luke got slightly confused.

"It's for my friend not me." He said.

"Oh sorry, you just don't really look up to date.. are you feeling okay?"

Luke nodded. He shouldn't complain. Calum was the sick one here. Luke shouldn't complain about a stomach and headache. He went back home with the medicine and tissues.

"Lukey?" Calum asked and made grabby hands for Luke. "Cuddles?" Calum whined. Luke gave in and laid with Calum. Luke gave good cuddles.

Calum finally fell asleep and Luke went back to his bunk to get some rest himself. Luke felt sick. Luke felt bad. Luke felt dizzy.

He laid down in his bunk and didn't even got to lay down before he passed out and fell the rest of the way.

Ashton walked to Luke's bunk after a couple of hours. He saw Luke have closed eyes.

"He's sleeping. He must be tired. I'll just let him be." Ashton thought to himself. But in reality Luke had fainted.

Luke woke up around 7 pm. He heard Calum and Michael play FIFA.

"I'm happy you're not sick anymore Cal." Michael said.

"Me too." Calum said.

All the boys prepared for the concert they had that night. Luke felt sick but he shouldn't complain. He couldn't let the fans down.

Luke ran around the stage. He played the guitar and looked like he was happy as always. Then it all fell together. Luke was at his spot in the far behind; even behind the drums, when he stumbled, messed up his chords and fell to the ground as he fainted.

The fans screamed and pointed at Luke. The rest of the band didn't really caught it first but then Calum saw luke.

"Luke!!" Calum screamed and ran to him. Calum held Luke's head in his lap as the others came rushing.

"Ash he's burning." Calum cried.

"Come on let's get him backstage." Michael said and picked the weak boy up. They went backstage with Luke and laid him on the couch. Calum sat with Luke's head in his lap.

"Lukey? Lukey wake up." Calum cries as he stroke Luke's hair. Luke weakly opened his eyes and Calum hugged him tightly.

"Luke mate. You gotta tell me when you're sick. Take these." Ashton said and handed Luke fever reducers. Luke swallowed them quickly.

Michael went to tell the fans that they couldn't go on. The fans understood. Then Luke, Mickey, cal and Ash had a group cuddle.

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