Luke - broken finger

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Requested by @Zoeisabelletria12177

This is actually based on a true story but can I request one when Luke broke his middle finger on his right hand while playing basketball with the lads and he hit it on the post. Then his lads took him to the hospital to get treated and the next day, Michael and Luke were fighting and then Michael moved Luke's broken finger which causes him to cry out in pain. Luckily Calum conforted him and all of them have group cuddles except for Michael because Ashton grounded him.


Luke - 16

Michael - 17

Calum - 17

ashton - 18

"we should do something.." Calum said.

"gaming?" Michael suggested.

"Nah Mike. Let's do something more active. As basketball." Ashton said.

"I'm up." Luke joined in. So they all went to the front yard to play basketball. They made teams. Team Cake against team Mashton. Team Cake stared with the ball. Calum passed it to Luke and Luke ran towards the opposite goal. Luke shot the ball at the goal but Ashton blocked it and passed it to Michael. Luke tried to stop Michael but he missed and ran directly into the mailbox. He hit his right hand on it and heard a crack. At first, he felt numb, then all he could feel was a massive pain in his middle finger and he burst into tears.

"OOOOWWWW!!!!" Luke screamed as hot tears ran down his cheeks. All the boys ran over and Ashton pulled him in for a hug. He guided his head to his chest.

"It's okay, it's okay. You're safe." He whispered to the younger boy.

"It's bruising."  Calum said.

"Let's take a small trip to the hospital Lukey." Ashton said and squeezed Luke tightly. Luke whined. "I know."

The boys drove to the hospital and Luke was sobbing softly on the way there. He was also clinging to Ashton as they walked in. The trip didn't take long. Luke got a blue cast around his wrist and fingers, which he found really cool. He seemed badass.

"Luke! It's your turn to do the dishes!" Michael almost sang as he left the table after the dinner.

"No it's not! I did it yesterday! Besides, my cast can't get wet! you have to do it!"

"No it's not my turn!" Michael yelled and ran to the staircase. Luke followed. "Stop following me!" Michael yelled


Michael turned around and pushed Luke, so hard that he almost fell. Luke tried to push Michael back, but Michael grabbed both of his hands, which caused him to cry out in pain. Michael froze. What had he done? Calum and Ashton rushed over.

"What happened?" Calum asked as he brought Luke into his hold.

"I-I swear.. I-i didn't mean to!"

"What did you do, Michael?" Ashton asked.

"I-I grabbed his hand... I-i didn't mean to hurt him, I promise!"

"hm right.. you're grounded." Ashton said.

Michael understood that and he went to his room. Luke sobbed softly as Calum comforted him. Calum, Luke and Ashton cuddled up on he couch together. Michael was later forgiven as Luke said it was okay.

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