Luke - rollercoaster

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I'm back!


This one is for @ruby_loves_1D

The boys have a day off. Cal and Mikey went somewhere and Ashton and Luke are trying to find something to do. They decide to go to a theme park. They go to a rollercoaster which scares Luke, so ash gives him food to cheer him up. Luke then feels worse and throws up. Ash takes him home and takes care of him.

Ash - 18
Luke - 16
Mikey And Cal - 17

All of the boys were having a day off which they enjoyed a lot. Cal and Michael decided to go play laser hero, but Luke didn't like it and Ash had problems to see in the dark. Luke and ash stayed home.

"Ash I'm bored." Luke whines as he had tried to figure out what to do for 20 minutes.

"Same here mate." Ashton said. "We could.. go to the zoo?" He suggested knowing that Luke loved the penguins.

Luke surprisingly shook his head. "I was there with Jack last week." He said.

Ashton then had to continue trying to find something to come up with. "We could... now I know! We can go to that theme park not long from here!" Ashe said. Luke nodded. None of them had been there before. They went to the car and drove to the theme park which were 30 minutes away.

They both paid their tickets and went inside the park, they walked around trying stuff until Ashton spotted a huge rollercoaster. "Luke let's try that one!" He said and ran to the line. Luke followed, not saying that he thought it looked scary.

"Welcome to the red devil, please take a  seat." The worker said and smiled. Luke and Ash got seats in the front row and the worker secured them and Buckled them up. The roller coaster then started and Luke knew that there was no way back. Luke gulped, seeing the tower which went straight up into the air, the loops and all the other wild things.

"A-Ash? I-I don't like this." Luke whimpered.

"You should have told me. It's gonna be okay. I'm right here." He reassured.

Within minutes the ride was over and Luke and ash rushed out. Luke's knees felt weak and he was shaking from fear. Ashton looked at him. Tears were welling up in Luke's eyes.

"Oh Luke. Come here." Ashton said and opened his arms. Luke walked into them feeling the arms being wrapped around him. Luke burst into tears. Ashton kissed his head multiple times.

"Let's go get ice cream okay?" Ashton said and Luke nodded weakly. Ashton continued to have an arm around Luke as they walked to the ice cream shop.

"Okay luke. Just sit here then i get something for you okay?" Ashton said guiding Luke to a table. He then went to buy Luke and him some ice cream and got back to Luke. They ate their ice creams and Luke seemed to get a little cheered up.

Ashton and Luke enjoyed the rest of the day in the theme park and were soon on their way home. They hit a speed bump and Luke felt his stomach flip.

"A-Ash, I-I don't feel so-" he couldn't get to say more before he vomited down his front.

"Oh Luke buddy. Hang on we're home soon." Ashton said. And he was right. He soon pulled up in the driveway and Luke was now bawling his eyes out. "Luke, luke, shhh." Ash tried to shush but Luke kept crying. Ashton scooped Luke up in his arms and Luke immediately calmed more of the comfort, like a baby who finds comfort with its mom. Luke cuddled into Ashton, small whimpers still escaping his lips. Ashton carried him inside and laid him on the couch.

Luke fell asleep before Ashton could even give him medicine, so Ashton decided to go clean the car. Luke was awake when he came back and Ashton helped him out of the dirty shirt and jeans.

Luke made grabby hands for Ashton and Ashton laid next to him on the couch. Ashton cuddled Luke and soon Luke was asleep again.

Ashton woke up to Luke poking his side. "What's wrong?" Ashton asked as he saw Luke cry.

"I don't feel good." Luke cried. Ashton quickly scooped Luke up in his arms and rushed to the bathroom with him. Luke headed over the toilet crying harder. Ashton kissed his head softly in a try to calm the poor boy. Luke gagged, heaved and then a hard stream of vomit came from him. Luke cried from the burning feeling in his throat.

"You done bud?" Ashton asked and Luke nodded weakly. Ashton grabbed some toilet paper and wiped Luke's mouth off. He flushed the toilet and pulled Luke into him. Luke sobbed and sniffed. Ashton kissed him warm forehead over and over again.

Ashton then carried Luke back to the couch and placed a sickbucket in front of him. Ashton laid with Luke and cuddled again. Luke soon started crying again. "Are you going to be sick again bud?" Ashton asked getting ready to help Luke sit up. Luke shook his head though. "What's wrong then?" He asked gently.

"I hate this, and my stomach is cramping." Luke cried. Ashton felt his heart break. He pulled Luke into his arms. He understood why Luke was upset. The sickness messed with his head. Ashton rolled Luke's shirt up and started rubbing his stomach. Luke's cries went down to whimpers.

Soon Calum and Michael came home. "Aye, what happened here?" Calum asked spotting the sick bucket.

"Luke got sick on the way home from the theme park." Ashton explained. Luke whimpered.

"Aww Lukey." Michael cooed. "Do you need anything ash?" Calum asked.

"It could be nice to stretch my legs a bit." Ashton answered.

"Pass the sickie." Calum said and Ashton stood up from the couch letting Calum flop down beside Luke.

"Hey Lukey." Calum said and kissed Luke's head. Luke wrapped his arms around Calum and Calum did the same to Luke.

Michael and Ashton both snapped pictures of Luke. Because sick Luke was cute... well... Luke is always cute.

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