Luke - Ben & Jack

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Luke has a fever and only his brothers are home. He ends up in the hospital

Requested by @angelbaby198

Luke: 14
Jack: 17
Ben: 18

Hope you enjoy.

Luke, Ben and Jack were home alone. Their mom had just had her birthday and their dad gave her a trip to Europe as a gift. Liz had been worried about leaving her sons home alone, but after all, Ben was 18 and could take care of his younger brothers.

Luke was currently in his bed in the middle of the night. His stomach were flipping and he just felt bad in general. He started crying when the pain became too much.

In one of the other rooms were Jack. He had woken up and were just laying in his bed. He didn't knew why he woke up but he did. He was on his phone for a while until he heard cries. He immediately knew that it was Luke, because he had never seen Ben cry.

Jack got out of bed and walked to Luke's room. He slowly entered seeing his crying brother laying in the bed.
Luke whimpered and cried harder. Jack rushed to him and sat on the edge of the bed.
"What's wrong Lukey?" Jack asked feeling his worry grow.
"Don't feel good." Luke whimpered.
Jack laid his hand on Luke's burning forehead. He then reached under the blankets to touch Luke's shirtless torso, which was warm as well.
"Come on Luke." Jack said and stood up. He grabbed Luke under the armpits and pulled him up from the bed.
"O-ow Jack.." Luke cried as he felt his stomach flipping. Luke wrapped his legs around Jack's torso and his arms around his neck. Jack wrapped his protective arms around Luke as he walked to Ben's room with his crying brother.

Jack knocked on Bens door and waited for him to open.
"What the hell? It's 2 in the morning!.. wait what's happening? Why are you carrying Luke?" Ben asked worriedly.
"He's sick Ben, he's really not feeling well." Jack told him and Luke whimpered.
"Oh sorry. Come in and lay him on the bed." Ben said and stepped aside.
Jack walked in and laid his sick brother on Bens bed. Ben came to them and both Ben and Jack sat on the edge of the bed. Ben felt Luke's forehead and lower back just like Jack did earlier.
"Jack can you get me the thermometer?"
"Which one?"
Jack nodded and went to the bathroom. Luke calmed down a little and stopped crying.
Jack came back with the thermometer.
"Open up." Jack told Luke. Luke weakly separated his lips enough for Jack to put the thermometer in his mouth and slip it under his tongue. It was uncomfortable for Luke but yet he didn't complain.

The thermometer beeped and Jack took it out again.
"He's on 100.2" Jack said making Ben nod.
"What do we do?" Jack asked.
"I'll go sleep in his bed and you sleep in your room." Ben said.
"But what if he starts throwing up?"
"Then we will hear it."
Jack hesitated. He didn't liked the thought of leaving his brother alone. He nodded. Ben and Jack went to each of their rooms and drifted to sleep again.

In the morning Ben decided to take a shower and Jack started making breakfast. They just let Luke sleep.

Jack felt arms wrapping around his waist as he was cooking. He felt tears making his shirt wet.
"Luke.." Jack sighed. "I know it isn't fun to be sick, but you gotta go back to bed." He continued.
Luke whimpered but did as told and pulled away from Jack.

Suddenly Luke felt really dizzy and Jack saw in the corner of his eye that Luke was fainting and fell hardly onto the floor.
"Luke!" Jack gasped and ran to him. He shook his body but Luke didn't wake up.
"Ben! Call the fucking ambulance!" He screamed. Ben cake running down the stairs and it didn't took long for him to get his phone and call the ambulance.

After 10 minutes they heard sirens and Ben ran outside to guide the paramedics. The paramedics got Luke onto a stretcher and got him into the ambulance.
"One of you can drive with." One of them said.
"You do it Jack. I'll take the car."
Jack nodded and went to the ambulance. He grabbed Luke's warm hand.

After a couple of minutes in the ambulance Luke woke up and started crying immediately. He felt so bad you can't even imagine. Jack tried to calm him down and it helped a bit.

They finally reached the hospital and they met with Ben who signed the papers and allowed the doctors to use medicines. They were all taken to a room.
"So sweetie, I'll just do an IV in your hand alright." The nurse spoke but Luke pulled away and started crying.
"Come on Luke you can do this." Ben said comfortably. Jack grabbed Luke's left hand to comfort him. Luke reached his shaky hand to the nurse slowly. She grabbed it with her warm hand and smiled softly to him. Luke watched the needle come closer.

The needle slowly pierced his skin and he let out loud cry.
"O-OW!!!!" Luke screamed. Ben and Jack tried to shush him, but nothing happened.

The nurse put Luke to sleep with the help of medicines.

When he woke up, he was feeling much better and happier as well.

That's it! Hope you enjoyed!

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- Filippa

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