Lashton - Strep throat and stomach flu

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Can Luke and Ashton be sick and the other 2 looks after them (Michael and Callum) and Luke be sick with the stomach Flu and Ashton sick with strep throat thank you beautiful!

Ofc! Here we go!

btw sorry for the slow updates


Luke - 17

Michael - 18

Calum - 18

Ashton - 19

Tour had its ups and downs. Long travel days, such as this day. A day full of bus time and fast food, if Liz would allow that. Luke didn't exactly know why his mom was the one going on tour with them. It was obvious that Anne-Marie couldn't, she had to take care of Lauren and Harry, Ashton's younger siblings, but why couldn't Joy go with them. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy having his mom with him on tour, it was especially good on the bad days. He just wondered why. Maybe because he was the youngest?

Today was one of the bad days, Luke was in his and Calums hotel room. It was early as fuck, and Calum was still sleeping, but god his stomach was flipping. Luke groaned and pushed himself up from the bed. He walked as quietly as possible to the door, without waking Calum. He sneaked out of it, closing it behind him. His mom had the room next door and Michael and Ashton had the room on the opposite side. He slowly walked to his mom's door and knocked. He was nauseous and he prayed that Liz had heard his weak knock. And she had. Shortly after she opened the door.

"Hi Sweetheart, what's wrong?" She asked. Luke didn't answer. He just walked into her hold and sobbed out. Liz rubbed his back.

"I don't feel good.." Luke cried.

"Shhh.." Liz soothed and let Luke in. "Lay on the bed, honey."

Luke walked in and threw himself on the bed. He felt Liz lay next to him. She pulled him into her hold from behind.

"Tell me what you feel?" She whispered as she brushed Lukes hair out of his face, getting a chance to catch his temperature.

"My tummy hurts, my head hurts and I feel cold," Luke said. Liz started rubbing his stomach in soft circles to soothe the pain. Luke and Liz fell asleep like that. When Luke woke up a little later, Liz was still sleeping and he was feeling worse. He could feel that he was going to throw up soon, and he panicked. Liz had her arms wrapped tightly around him and he couldn't get out. He started crying, trying to push his way out.

"Shhhh.." Liz mumbled and started to brush through his hair again.

"M-Mom, I-I need to t-throw up!" Luke panicked. That apparently woke Liz up. She unwrapped her arms and Luke ran to the bathroom, dropping to his knees in front of the toilet. He soon felt hands running up and down his back.

He felt so bad. He wanted to throw up to make it better, but nothing came up. He gagged but that was all.

"Liz??" Michael called from the door. Liz had apparently left it unlocked.

"Yeah?" Liz answered.

"Ash is not feeling so good," Michael said. Liz sighed internally.

"Will you be okay, while I go see what is wrong?" Liz asked her son and Luke nodded weakly. He wasn't feeling okay enough at all, but he didn't want to stand in Ashton's way. Liz walked to the door where Michael stood with his arm wrapped around Ashton.

"What's wrong ash?" Liz asked feeling Ashton's forehead.

"His throat hurts," Michael answered for him. Liz nodded.

"Okay, well Michael, go get Calum. Ashton, you can come in here." She stepped aside to let Ashton in. Michael went to get Calum and Liz closed the door. Liz explained Ashton how Luke had come over the night because he felt sick. "Let me feel your glands," Liz said and felt Ashton throat gently. Liz gave Ashton some throat sweets to suck and warmed some coffee for him. Then she heard Luke wretch and almost scream out.

"I'm coming baby!" Liz yelled to him. "You got this Ash?"

Ashton nodded and Liz rushed to the bathroom where Luke was throwing his guts up. She rubbed his back. "Easy now." She removed his soaked shirt. She wiped his mouth as he finished throwing up. 

They walked back to the bed.

"A-Ash?" Luke cried.

"Come here bub." Ashton smiled and opened his arms for Luke. Luke rushed over and hugged Ashton. Then they both laid on the bed and cuddled up. They fell asleep like that. When Calum and Michael came back, they cuddled up with them too.

I'm sorry, this ended out like a Liz takes care of them instead of Michael and Calum. I hope that's okay.

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