Luke - appendicitis

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Requested by @staceystonier

Luke gets appendicitis.

Here you go.

Luke - 21
Calum and Michael - 22
Ashton - 23

It was a normal morning for the guys.. or for at least Calum, Michael and Ashton. Luke wasn't feeling well but he was bad at hiding his sickness.

All the boys where in their bunks. Each of them on their phones except for Luke who was in his sweating in pain. He was sure he had a fever but he felt so cold.

He heard Calum giggling softly from his bunk.

"Mikey what the hell?" Calum's voice spoke.

Michael laughed.

"Shut The fuck up you two. Let Luke sleep." Ashton whispered strictly as he thought Luke still was asleep.

"I'm already awake." Luke moaned in pain as a single tear slipped down his cheek.

Everything went quiet. It wasn't long until Luke felt a hand on his shoulder. He opened his eyes weakly to meet Calum's brown eyes.

"Luke mate.. are you alright?" Calum asked worriedly.

"Calum it fucking hurts!" Luke sobbed out and clutched his stomach.

"Uhm... Aaaasshhh??" Calum called out in his completely lost voice.

Ashton walked to Calum.

"What is it ca- Luke? What's wrong man?" Ashton asked.

"It fucking hurts. I'm gonna die ow!" Luke cried.

Ashton laid a hand on Luke's forehead but hissed and pulled away as if he burned himself.

"Calum, I need a thermometer and wet cloth." Ashton spoke grabbing Luke's hand.

Luke sobbed out and cried.

"On it!" Calum said and rushed out to get the supplies.

"Luke, mate, breathe." Ashton said.

Luke tried his best to take a deep breath but he cried out.

"O-ow!!" Luke cried. He squirmed around. The movement wasn't making it better but he couldn't stop himself from doing it.

The Luke started to gag. Ashton grabbed the trash can and plaster it on front of the sick boy. The drummer got fast reflexes.

"Calum! Hurry up!" Ashton yelled.

Luke threw up into the trash can. All his dinner from last night came up.

"Michael! Call 911!" Ashton screamed. Calum ran to him and handed him the stuff.

"What why?" Michael asked.

"Luke just threw up blood!" Ashton answered and took the thermometer.

"Luke lay down." He said.

Luke looked at him like he was about the cry. His bottom lip was quivering.

"Luke lay down." Ashton said more strict this time.

And that was when Luke broke down. He cried loudly. Ashton rubbed his back and wiped his tears.

"Hey bud you know I only wanna help you right?" He soothed.

Luke nodded and cried into the crook of his neck.

"Come on. Lay down." Ashton said friendly and helped Luke lay down. He put the thermometer in Luke's ear and rubbed his cheeks softly.

"103.2" Ashton read aloud. "Michael how are things going."

"Ambulance is here soon." He said.

"Alright!" Ashton said and put the wet cloth on Luke's forehead.

Ashton rubbed Luke's knee softly and gently to calm him. He knew Luke was scared. And Luke already knew what was wrong appendicitis.

The paramedics came to them quickly and got him onto a stretcher and loaded into an ambulance.

Calum drove with. Ash and Michael would drive in their own car.

"Family for hemmings?" A doctor spoke as the three had been sitting in the waiting area for 4 hours waiting for any news about their friend. The all ran to the doctor.

"Mr. Hemmings has a case of appendicitis but we have operated on him and he is awake again." He spoke.

The boys tackled their bandmate with hugs as they say him awake in the bed.

I bet you would have snapped a picture of them if you Where there.. because what can I say?.. it looked pretty damn cute.

That's it.

Remember to;
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Thank you
- Filippa

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