Michael - too high fever (part 2)

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Requested by: @ilovejustin665

Michael gets sick and it gets worse with a high fever that keeps going up every time the boys check and he has to go to the hospital and he's just out of it and the boys stay with him the whole time. It's just the 4 of them and it's in the winter and it's cold. Can it be long? Thx.

This is part 2!

The boys had tried everything by now. Cold bath. No wait.. freezing bath! Medicine. Everything! But nothing helped.

Michael had just woken up from the couch. "Ashy.." he cried out.

Ashton rushed over. "Bubble, calm down shhh." He said and rubbed his knuckles.

"I don't feel good." Michael cried.

"I know." Ashton said. "Here let me take your temperature again."

Ashton put the thermometer in his ear and waited for it to beep. It finally did and Ashton pulled it out.

His eyes widened. It was on 104.9!

"Shit! Guys get up now! Calum start the car!" Ashton yelled.

"Why?" Michael whimpered.

"Bubble we gotta take you to the hospital." He said and picked him up from the couch.

Michael cried. He was scared and he didn't wanted to go to the hospital.

Ashton carried him to the car and all the boys immediately drove to the hospital.

Luke sprinted to the reception and checked Michael in. Michael were brought to a room with doctors but the boys had to wait in the waiting room. Ashton filled out the paperwork and gave them back to the receptionist.

"Family for mr. Clifford?" A doctor asked. The boys sprinted to him. "We managed to get his temperature down to 100.1 by the help of some fluids. His temperature will be normal before he gets signed out." He continued.

"Can we see him?" Calum asked.

The doctor nodded and they followed him to a room where their sick bandmate was laying on a bed with an IV connected to his hand. Michael was sleeping and had hospital clothes on.

The boys took a seat each next to the bed and waited for Michael to wake up.

After about 3 hours, Michael had woken up feeling much better and had a normal body temperature.

The boys brought him home but kept an eye on him until they knew that he was completely fine.

That was it. Hope you liked it!

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- Filippa

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