Ashton - sick at school

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Ashton gets sick in school while doing a test.

Ashton: 16

Ashton's morning was great actually. He was in a great mood and had time for playing his drums a bit before school.

"Ashton?!" His mom suddenly yelled.
"School bus is here!!" She informed.
"Alright! Coming!" He yelled back to her. He grabbed his schoolback and lunch before yelling "I love you!" And leaving.

He found his usual seat and leaned his head against the cold window. No one sat next to him the entire ride. Ashton wasn't a popular kid. He was mostly on his own. Not that he enjoyed it but it wasn't that bad.

The bus stopped and all the students went out and headed to their lockers inside of the school. Ashton found his math books and went to his classroom where Mrs. Hemmings were talking to an other teacher. "Good morning mrs. Hemmings." Ashton said and smiled to her. "Good morning Ashton." Mrs. Hemmings smiled back. Ashton sat down on his seat.

"Okay class so toda-" Mrs. Hemmings was interrupted by her phone ringing. "Excuse me, I have to pick up." She said and picked up the phone. "Hello?.. Luke sweetie what's happening?... you forgot your lunch?.. I told you to grab it before leaving.. it's okay sweetie. Can't you ask Jack or Ben?... oh yeah that's right.. what about dad or Ben?.. Luke sweetie calm down alright? I'll get Ben to stop by my classroom and give him some lunch so he can give it to you okay?... okay sweetie. See you later. Bye..." Mrs. Hemmings hung up and wrote a quick text to his oldest son. "I'm sorry class. My youngest son had forgot his lunch so my oldest will stop by and bring it to him." She spoke. "Well today we have a test, so you won't need your books." She continued and gave all the students a paper. They all started.

Ashton heard the sound of a door opening and he looked up to see Mrs. Hemmings' oldest son. "Hi Ben can you bring this to Luke?" Mrs. Hemmings spoke quietly but not quiet enough for Ashton to not hear it. "Yes mom of course." "Thank you Ben." Mrs. Hemmings gave her son a kiss on the cheek before handing him a paper bag, probably with lunch in it.

Ashton started to feel a little unwell. Mrs. Hemmings looked over the class when Ben left and saw Ashton's tired, pale body sit still on his chair. She didn't thought that he looked too good today. He had lost all the colors in his cheeks. She walked to him and laid a hand on his arm. "You alright there Ashton?" She whispered. Ashton couldn't even answer before a hard gag spread through his body and he threw up over the paper. Ashton whimpered and sobbed. "Aw.. come here.." she said and hugged him carefully. "Let's call your mom alright? Come with me." She said and walked towards the door but when she looked back Ashton was still on his seat sobbing. She frowned and walked back to him. "Come sweetie." She said and lifted Ashton up. He was small of his age and not that heavy. He cried out and she tried her best to comfort the poor boy.

Mrs. Hemmings tried to call mrs. Irwin multiple times but she didn't picked up. "Ashton, sweetie your mom doesn't pick up." Ashton broke down crying. He felt so bad all he wanted was to go home. "Sweetie do you want to go home to me and stay there until you can go home to yourself?" Ashton nodded. Mrs. Hemmings called Ben again who came and picked him up. They drove home to the hemmings house and Ben took care of Ashton. Every time Ashton threw up he apologized multiple times and got so embarrassed. Ben shushed him and told him that it was alright. Jack was off school early and Ben explained him the whole situation. It wasn't long until mrs. Hemmings was off work and had picked Luke up from his school on the way home.

Luke bounced into the living room where Ashton was sleeping on the couch. When Luke saw Ashton he immediately got insecure, unsure and a little scared about it all. He hide behind his mom who was now in the living room as well. "Luke sweetie there's nothing to be afraid of. That is one of my students Ashton. He got a little sick today and couldn't get home so he's just resting here for now." She comforted. Luke slowly got out of his safety zone and walked slowly to the couch. He kept looking at Ashton all the time. "Is he real?" Luke asked. Mrs. Hemmings giggled. "Yes Luke he is real."
"Do you think he wants to cuddle?"
"I'm sure he would like to honey."
So that's what they did. Luke woke Ashton up and asked for cuddles. Ashton giggled but agreed and cuddled Luke. The two of them cuddled for 3 hours before Ashton's mom came to pick him up.


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- Filippa

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