Luke - scared

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requested by Barbemeli

Can I request one in which Luke gets sick (you can choose the illness) he gets a fever and he hides it as long as he can, then the rest find out and decide to take him to the doctor, but he is afraid of them so you can go then (similar to teh needles one)... But only if you can btw, I like your stories... (PS. Make it as long as you can, only if you can


luke - 15

Calum - 16

Michael - 16

ashton - 17

Luke had didn't wanted to tell the others that he felt sick. He also wouldn't tell his family. In fact he wouldn't tell anyone. They would take him to the doctor, and doctors are mean people. Well what was actually wrong with Luke, you might ask? well he just didn't felt good. He felt cold but In reality he was burning. He was sweating and he knew. Thats why he guessed he had a fever. It it just wouldn't go away. It had been going on for days now. Luke would do anything to hide his secret. Some days when his parents went to work early and dropped him and his brothers off at school, he would say goodbye to them and then secretly walk home again and stay home the entire day.

The days where his parents would go to work early were soon over. His dad got a different job, where he was working from home and Luke couldn't sneak away from school anymore. So then Luke decided to avoid his bandmates. Avoiding Ashton wasn't hard. He wasn't even on their school. But he had to avoid Calum and Michael. He wouldn't sit next to them in class and as soon as the bell rang, he would run to the toilet and stay locked in there the entire break.

His plan failed one day when they was meant to have band practise and Luke didn't show up. He stayed at home but he didn't tell any of the members.

"Where are you?" Ashtons text message said. Luke decided not to answer, and he didn't even open. Then it would show Ashton that he read it.

"Are you on your way?" Michaels text asked.

"Are you okay? You keep avoiding us at school." Calum asked. Luke sighed. He went on instagram and looked through some posts and videos. When he went out of the app again he saw that he had 3 texts.

"Oh whats that?" Luke thought. He had already forgot that the boys texted him and accidentally opened Calums text. "Shit!" Luke thought but didn't text him back.

"I can see you read my message Luke. Are you okay?" Calum wrote again.

"Hah! Busted!" Michael said. He was a meanie.

"Calum said you read his message..?" Ashton wrote.

"I'm coming to your house." Calum wrote after not getting a response. Luke now panicked, but he wouldn't tell Calum that he shouldn't come. That would seem even more suspicious. Luke tried to figure out a way to hide his fever now, but he couldn't. After 10 minutes, Calum knocked on the front door.

"Let's just get over with it." Luke thought and went to open.

"Why didn't you answer our texts?" Calum asked but Luke just looked at the floor. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"you look pale."

Luke didn't answer. Calum reached out to his forehead. Luke leant into his cold hand. It was so comfortable against his warm skin.

"Luke you're burning." Calum frowned.

"I know." Luke whispered with a lump in his throat, letting a tear fall from his eye. Calum hugged him close.

"You really don't feel well do you?" He asked and he felt Luke shake his head.

"Why don't you and I take a small trip to the doctors?"

"I can't." Luke whispered.

"Why not?"

"I'm scared of them..."

Calum smiled sadly at him. He found it kinda cute to be honest. 

"I'll be there." Calum said. Then he wrapped his arm around Luke and they walked to the doctors office, which was not far away. Luke bounced his leg fast while he was waiting with Calum to get in. Calum noticed and grabbed Lukes hand for support.

"Luke Hemmings." A doctor spoke, and Luke and Calum got up to shake his hand. They followed him back to a room, where Luke was told to sit on a bed which he did. The doctor listened to his heart and lungs, pressed on his stomach, checked eyes, ears and throat and finally came up with a result.

"Well it's clearly a fever that hasn't been allowed to recover entirely and then worked up again. So I'll just give you a more powerful fever reducer." The doctor spoke and grabbed a syringe. He filled it with a liquid. Luke shifted away uncomfortably.

"No no no no no no no no." Luke stuttered and tried to move away. Calum walked over and pulled Luke into a hug.

"No!" Luke cried.

"Shhh..." Calum soothed and rubbed Lukes back. Luke was almost screaming, that was how hard he was crying and the doctor hadn't even done anything yet. Luke screamed a high pinched scream as he felt a needle pierce his skin.

"Shh shhh shh." Calum tried to calm Luke desperately. The shot was over in seconds but Luke was upset.

"Thank you." Calum mouthed to the doctor who smiled weakly. He gently picked Luke up and carried him home again. He laid him on the couch. He then laid behind him and stroke Lukes soft hair.

It wasn't long before Luke fell asleep with Calums arms around him.

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