Michael - too high fever

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Requested by: @Ilovejustin665

Michael gets sick and it gets worse with a high fever that keeps going up every time the boys check and he has to go to the hospital and he's just out of it and the boys stay with him the whole time. It's just the 4 of them and it's in the winter and it's cold. Can it be long? Thx.

This one was a bit hard, so I hope it's good enough.

5 seconds of summer was currently in Los Angeles. They were having some time of but they all shared the same house. Michael, the 2nd oldest of the band wasn't feeling too good at the moment. He was dizzy, sometimes too cold, sometimes too warm. He felt like he needed water. But at the same time he felt like he had to throw up.

Michael got it all together and slowly stood up from the bed. He felt nauseous, and leaned against the wall until he felt ready to walk.

Suddenly he felt the urge to throw up. He sprinted towards the bathroom and fell to his knees before vomiting in the toilet.

On the way to the bathroom he had woken Calum up. Calum was first confused that someone were up at 4 am, but then he heard gagging sounds from the bathroom and quickly made his way out there.

The door was locked when Calum reached it. "Who's in there?" Calum asked.

"C-Cal?" Michael weakly responded.

"Mikey? Are you okay? What's happening?"

Michael didn't answered, he just whimpered.

"Michael, bud, unlock the door." Calum said gently.

Michael did as told and unlock the door. Calum rushed in and sat beside Michael. He rubbed his best friends back while Mikey threw up.

Michael threw up for 15 minutes straight before he felt empty. "Mikey are you done?" Michael nodded and leant onto Calum.

"Let's get you back in bed alright?"

Michael nodded again and the kiwi helped him to his bedroom again. Calum put a thermometer in his ear before he put Michael to sleep. Calum took it out when it beeped. It was on 99.5. That wasn't high, just a small fever so Calum would just hope it would go away soon. He placed a bucket next to the bed before leaving. He went to Ashton's room where he shook his mate awake.

"Cal? What's up? It's 4.30 am?" Ashton said tiredly.

"Michael just threw up. He has a low fever. Just thought you should know."

"Okay thanks for telling me. What's his temperature?"

"99.5." Ashton nodded.

Calum left to his own room again and went to sleep.

The next morning Ashton woke up and went to Michaels room where he was sleeping. He was sweaty and pale. Well paler than normally. Which Ashton didn't even found possible. Ashton put the thermometer in his ear again. It beeped and Michael flinched of the sudden sound.

"Sorry bud." Ashton whispered and looked at the thermometer which now showed 101.3.

Ashton got a cool cloth for Michael and went to cook breakfast for the rest of the boys afterwards.

Luke and Calum came downstairs after a bit and began eating in silence. Luke broke it after a while. "Where's Michael?" He asked.

"He's not feeling too good Lukey." Ashton answered and gave Luke a sad smile. Luke would always get worried easily and right now, he was not feeling sure of the situation.

Ashton went to Michaels bedroom with breakfast. He gently shook Michael awake and placed the food on the counter. "Hey bubble." Ashton smiled. "How are you feeling?"

"I hate this." Michael said slightly tearing up.

"Aw I know bubble. Let's hope you'll be better soon right?"

Michael nodded.

"Cuddle?" He asked.

Ashton smiled and jumped into bed with him. Michael nuzzled his head into Ashtons chest and fell asleep as Ashton cuddled him.

Michael woke up 30 minutes later feeling pretty bad but not the urge to throw up. "Ashton" he whispered and shook him.

Ashton woke up. "What's wrong." He asked.

"I don't feel good."

"Are you going to vomit?"

Michael shook his head.

"Come here bubble." Ashton said and put the thermometer in his ear. It beeped and Ashton pulled out. "You're on 103.8." He said and frowned. "No wonder you feel this bad."

There will be a part 2 for this one!
- Filippa

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