Calum - Lose a limb

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Calum gets in a car crash and his leg get so injured that it has to be cut off


Calum - 18

Calum was driving home. He was in Sydney again. After a long tour. He was humming in sync to the song on the radio as he kept his eyes on the road. He was tired and all he wanted was to go home and sleep after this long day. When he reached a yellow streetlight, he thought to himself:

"That's okay. I can get over in time for the red light. I'm fast enough."

The problem was that he wasn't.

He wasn't fast enough.

The light turned red way too soon and Calum was not fast enough.

Another driver hit Calums car in the left side, making thecae flip and roll over at least three times. The car crashed harshly, so hard that it wouldn't work after. It all went too fast. Calum didn't even realise what was going on until the car had been flipped and he was in serious pain.

He was in too much pain to cry.

I couldn't feel his leg. Everything else was just hurting. Someone ran over to the car and knocked on the window.

"Don't move! Don't move! Help is on the way!"

Calum groaned. It was only 10 minutes before the ambulance and firefighters came, but it felt like 10 hours. The firefighters cut the car open and the paramedics got Calum out without making his injuries worse. It was already clear to them that Calum's left leg, was probably not saveable.

They diagnosed a broken arm, mild concussion and several cuts. They also diagnosed that his leg couldn't be saved. They drove to the nearest hospital as fast as possible and got Calum into a room. He was confused. All these hands around him made him scared. He got pumped way too much medicine into his system than he liked. He got his cuts stitched up.

"Hey Sweetie." A female nurse said and sat next to him on the bed. "Look.. your leg is not able to save. The doctors are gonna have to cut it off. We will have some specialist make you a prosthesis."

Calum cried silently. Only god knew how many soccer balls he had kicked with that leg and how many times he had rested his bass on that leg. The nurse held him tightly into her as the doctors set up a screen, making it impossible for Calum to see what they were doing. He just cried harder every minute.

The nurse was a mother herself. She knew how to calm kids and even though Calum was no kid, he still reacted the same way to the techniques. She got him calm within 5 minutes.

"Calum?" His nurse called out as she entered his room 6 months later. "Your prosthesis is ready." She smiled. Calum had spend the 6 months in the hospital, trying to get to walk with crutches. He had had his bandmates over for visit and his family. He had also spend a lot of time, waiting for his prosthesis. His specialist walked in with a suitcase. He shook hands with Calum and then he placed the suitcase on the floor and opened it.

The prosthesis was electric and it was designed to help Calum more than any other because of the hardcore tour life. The specialist helped Calum get the prosthesis on and the nurse helped him stand up.

That afternoon, Calum took his first step.

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