Calum - knee surgery

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The boys are playing soccer, but then Calum falls and hurts his ligament, so he needs to have surgery.

Hope you enjoy!

The lads of 5 seconds of summer were currently recording their 2nd album. They had a day off and were just sitting on the couch playing fifa.

"Can't we just play soccer ourselves?" Ashton asked. He didn't liked fifa.
"Sure." Luke said putting his controller down. They all went to a soccer field close to where they lived.

They played for about 20 minutes before they agreed on just passing the ball to each other.

Calum kicked the ball in Michaels direction but immediately fell to the ground and screamed in pain. A couple of tears slipped down his face.

The lads rushed over to him and sat beside him.

"Calum, what hurts?!" Michael asked. He was worried about his best friend, who clearly was in a lot of pain. Calum tried to reach down to his knee but a wave of pain hit him and he screamed again.

"Ashton, call an ambulance!" Luke yelled and Ashton went a little away to call the doctor.

"They're on their way." Ashton said as he sat by calums head, running his fingers through the poor lads hair in a try to calm him.

It took about 5 minutes before the ambulance came and Calum was a sobbing mess by now. No one blamed him though.

The paramedics got him into a stretcher which made him groan in pain. Calum was doing very good, handling the pain very well.

They brought his to the hospital and the lads were with him when he had to get scanned.

By now they were in calums room waiting for results. The doctor came in holding some papers in her hand.

"So mr. Hood torn his ligament 100 % and we will have to do surgery on him." The doctor spoke. The boys looked to their band mate who sighed sadly. "After the surgery he will be on crutches for 2 months and recovery for 3 months more." She continued. Calum nodded. Luckily he wasn't on tour and it wouldn't affect him playing the bass.

The doctor handed the papers to Ashton who was the oldest and the only legal to sign them. He finished and handed the papers back.

The doctor brought a couple of nurses into the room and prepared a few things. Luke was holding calums right hand. Ashton held his left and Michael were by his head trying to distract his band mate.

The doctor then told Luke that she had to do an IV in calums hand and Luke had to move. So he did.

She searched for a vein for a long time but every time she inserted the needle In his hand, is wasn't good enough.

"Okay mr. Hood-"
"Calum. Just call me Calum."
"Okay calum. We can't find a good vein. So we are going to put a mask over your face and put you to sleep and then we will administer the IV afterwards."

Calum nodded as they placed the mask over his face. "Count to 20." The nurse told him. He didn't even reached 7 before he was out.

The boys were then told to leave the room and go to the waiting room.

About 2 hours later, their names got called by the nurse. They stood up and went to her.
"The surgery went as planned and was completely successful." She explained.
The boys sighed relieved that their band mate was alright.
"You can see him now." The doctor said .

The lads followed her back to the room where Calum was awake but looked pretty tired.
"Hey mate, how are you feeling?" Michael asked and sat next to him.
"Tired. Weird."
Michael giggled.
"Then you're back to normal." He joked making Calum slightly hit his arm.

The lads helped Calum In the 5 months he was having recovery. Calum was grateful when his knee finally was good again.

Within long time, he was back to the happy and healthy Calum, playing soccer and fifa again. Also he was very exited to realize sounds good feels good in a very short time.

Everything were just perfect.

I hope you liked that one. It was inspired by what is happening in my own life right now. My dad torn his ligament not long ago and is going to have surgery soon, so I decided to write about it. Remember to;

-  Filippa

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