Michael - OCD

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Michael has severe OCD and the fans bully him.


Luke - 16

Michael - 17

Calum - 17

Ashton - 18

Ashton sighed as he walked into Michael's room. Michael was using his ruler to make his blanket hang exactly 15 centimeters off the ground. He looked very concentrated and was poking his tongue out of his mouth. Ashton walked over to him and grabbed the ruler, making Michael immediately jump up and try to reach it as Ashton held it above his head, where Michael couldn't reach.

"Ashtoooon!" Michael whined and teared up. "Give it back! I need it!"

"Michael you don't need it. You don't have to make your bed so beautiful every day." Ashton sighed, but Michael started sobbing and begged Ashton to give it back. Ashton sighed and gave it back to Michael but he didn't plan on giving up.

Michael wiped his tears away with the back of his hand. He then turned back to his work but he couldn't really concentrate again. Ashton looked sadly at him and walked back to the living room where Luke and Calum was sitting.

"What happened back there?" Calum asked. He had heard Michael begging.

"I tried to take Michaels ruler. I just wanted to help him but he freaked out." Ashton said sadly.

"Have you seen what twitter are saying about him Ash?" Luke asked and showed Ashton all the mean tweets about Michaels OCD. Ashton nodded.

"I know. It's bad."

Later that day, the boys decided to out for dinner. They decided to go to this new pizza place that had just opened. They all ordered their pizzas and drinks. Then they chatted and a fan came over.

"Excuse me?" She asked making the boys draw their attention to her. "Can I have have a picture?"

"Of course." Luke said. The fan sat next to Michael and handed her phone to a stranger who took their picture. The waiter came as they just finished taking pictures and he placed the plates on the table. The pizzas was already divided into slices. Michaels pizza had 2 pepperonis, except for one which only had one.

The fact of that was driving Michael crazy.

"Bye, thank you." The fan smiled and left but Michael didn't even hear her. He started hyperventilating.

"Mikey, what's wrong?" Ashton asked, looking randomly at his pizza seeing the problem. Ashton quickly took one of his own pepperonis off of his pizza and but it on Michaels wrong pizza slice. Michael breathed out relievedly and held back a sob.

"There you go." Calum smiled to Michael, who nodded silently and started eating.

As the boys got back in the house, they went to each of their room, except for Ashton, who walked with Michael to his room.

"I can't stop it Ash. I just can't." Michael said.

"Let's make a deal." Ashton said and smiled. "If you survive a week without having to control everything then I will get you a new phone."

"I can't Ash, that'll be too hard."

"You can, I'll help you. Just try at least." Ashton pleaded.

"Okay.." Michael gave In.

A week later Ashton owed Michael a new phone. Michael had had much fun, so much that he almost forgot his OCD. But sometimes it was hard as well. Sometimes he wanted to break his promise to Ashton but he didn't and he made it.

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