Luke - Throw up

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requested by xmukesqueenx

Can I leave a request? Luke gets a bad tummy bug and is throwing up everywhere but he tries to hide it but Calum notices something is wrong and is holding Luke on his lap trying to get him to tell him what's wrong when he suddenly throws up and breaks down into tears. Luke has a fear of throwing up in this btw

ofc! Here we go


Luke - 17

Calum - 18

Luke and Calum had the bus for themselves today. Michael and Ashton was out doing interviews  all day. Luke had felt pretty bad the entire morning, so he had stayed in his bunk all morning, pretending to sleep.

"Luke?" Calum asked and touched his shoulder gently. Luke mumbled back a response. "I'm going to get some groceries. Do you wanna go with me or stay?"

Luke mumbled a "Stay" and then Calum left on his own. Luke groaned and let a tear slide down his cheek. His stomach hurt so bad and he was so scared that he was going to throw up. Luke thought that maybe some food would help him? so he stood up and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a glass and started to fill it up with water. Out of a sudden he threw up in the sink. Luke cried out but decided to man up. No one was home to help him anyways. He washed the vomit away again. Maybe the food should wait for a bit? Luke thought and walked to the bathroom instead. He was planning on brushing his teeth, but felt a bile rising instead so he dropped to his knees by the toilet and threw up. He cried while bringing up everything he ate yesterday. A little spilled on the toilet seat, so Luke wiped that up when he finished. He flushed the toilet and brushed his teeth. He then sat in the lounge room of the bus. He pulled his knees to his chest and cried silently, hot tears down his cheeks.

"I'm home!" Calum yelled as he entered the bus. Luke just sobbed silently.

"Luke?" Calum called out. He placed his plastic bags on the kitchen desk and breathed in. He smelled the air. He caught the smell of vomit. He walked into the lounge room, seeing a crying Luke on the couch.

"Luke!" Calum said surprisedly and rushed over to the crying boy. He sat beside him and pulled him onto his lap. "What's wrong?"

Luke just sniffled and didn't answer. Calum pulled him closer to his chest and stroke his hair.

"Luke baby, what's wrong?" Calum rubbed Lukes shoulders, arms and back. "Is something hurting lukey?"

Luke didn't answer, but he gagged and threw straight up onto the floor. He then burst down in tears. He was almost hysterical.

"Aw Luke... Shh shh shh.. it's okay.. its okay." Calum said. Luke just kept crying. Calum rubbed his back and shoulders and whispered comforting stuff to him. Once Luke had calmed down and Calum had been sitting with him for a while, he decided that he should probably clean up.

"Hey Lukey, I'm gonna have to move you off my lap now okay?"

Luke nodded silently and Calum helped him off his lap. Calum cleaned Lukes vomit up while Luke sat of the couch, looking at him.

"I'm so sorry cal." Luke apologised over and over and wanted to help but Calum told him to stay where he was.

"There we go." Calum said as he finished. He threw the paper towels in the trashcan and smiled softly at Luke. "Lets go to bed."

Calum picked Luke up from the couch and carried him to his bunk. Calum crawled into his bunk too. He pulled Luke to his chest. Luke let out a whimper and Calum kissed his head.

"Just sleep Lukey."

And then both parts of team cake drifted to sleep.

Killer Queen is freaking good omg!

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