Luke - whats the truth?

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This one is for @agentL48

Someone fakes to be sick but then Luke actually gets sick and faints

Trying new writing style, tell me what you think xx

Luke - 15
Mikey and cal - 16
Ashton - 17

Luke hemmings woke up.
Luke hemmings felt sick.
Luke hemmings laid in bed for a while doubting if he should get up or not.
Luke hemmings decided to get up because if he didn't, then Calum would wake him up.
Luke hemmings was now regretting getting up, because his head was spinning.
Luke hemmings texted Calum to say that he should not wake him up and that he was tired.
Luke hemmings went back to sleep.

Michael Clifford was bored.
Michael Clifford wanted attention.
Michael Clifford was tired of not having the attention.
Michael Clifford decided to fake sickness.

"Ashton I don't feel so good." Michael whined clutching his stomach dramatically.
"Really?" Ashton asked worriedly. Michael nodded high fiving himself mentally. Ashton laid his hand on Michael's forehead. "Hmm.. you don't feel warm. Try to just lay down and relax." Ashton shrugged. Michael did as told.

"Cal pal?" Michael asked. "Hm?" Calum answered. "Cuddle?"

Calum smiles and cuddled with Michael. Ashton prepared hot chocolate for Michael.

Michael loved hot chocolate.
Michael loved attention.

Luke soon came to Ashton. "Ashton I don't feel good." Luke whimpered. "Seriously Luke? Michael is sick. Stop faking to get attention. You get attention all the time. Let Michael have some of it." Ashton wasn't saying it in a strict way but if he had just turned around to look at Luke he would see how pale he was and if he had felt his forehead he would feel the fever.

But Ashton believed Michael.
And Ashton didn't believe Luke.
Ashton didn't even look at him.
Ashton didn't felt his forehead Either.

"Please ash-" "no luke! Stop it!" Ashton said. Luke's bottom lip started quivering as his feelings got hurt. He walked back to his bunk crying into his pillow from two reasons.

One.. his feelings was hurt.
Two.. he felt sick.

Michael Clifford had heard Ashton's and Luke's conversation.
Michael Clifford felt bad for Luke.
But Michael Clifford couldn't tell Ashton that he faked, Ashton would kill him.
Michael Clifford continued to fake whimper and clutch his stomach.

"Hey mike. Go to sleep. It might help." Calum said and Michael did. He was actually tired and fell asleep pretty fast. Calum stood up and went to Luke's bunk. He had also heard his conversation with Ashton. Luke was sobbing.

"Mate, are you okay? I heard you talk to Ashton." Calum said.

"I did not fake." Luke sobbed.

"Buddy, it's okay. Now answer my question, are you okay?" Calum repeated. Luke shook his head.

"I feel sick Cally." Luke whimpered.

"Lukey, Ashton won't listen to me if I tell him okay? And I have to look after Mikey, but I will check on you as often as possible okay?" Calum reassured. Luke started crying again. Calum pressed a kiss onto Luke's forehead before leaving again.

Luke hemmings didn't sleep.
Luke hemmings felt worse.
Luke hemmings would try to get some water.

He went to the kitchen but suddenly felt dizzy. He was wobbling and suddenly collapsed and hit his head on the doorframe before everything turned black.

Ashton heard the loud bang. Ashton ran to the kitchen seeing Luke on the floor. "Luke!" Ashton screamed. Calum came running leaving the sleeping Michael once again.

"Calum, call the ambulance!" Ashton panicked and Calum called.

The ambulance case quickly and Calum and Ashton left Michael with the bus driver.

Luke woke up.
Luke freaked out.
Luke panicked.
Luke didn't knew where he was.
Luke's head hurt.
... and Luke cried.

Ashton grabbed Luke's hand. "I'm so sorry I didn't believe you." Ashton said. The paramedic pressed an ice pack to Luke's head which made Luke's cries reduce to sobs. "Hey bud, my name is Tom. I'm gonna take good care of you okay?" The paramedic who was obviously named Tom, spoke.

Tom knew Luke was in pain.
Tom knew Luke was scared.
So Tom tried to make him comfortable by talking to him.

"What's your name?" Tom asked.

"L-Luke." Luke answered still scared of what painful things Tom would do to him.

"Luke, what's your favorite animal?" Tom asked.

"Penguins!" Luke squeaked shyly.

Tom gasped amazedly. "Then I have something you might like!" He said and found a stuffed penguin from a shelf. Luke gasped and hugged the penguin.

"Now Luke, can I see that beautiful head of yours?" Tom asked and Luke nodded very slowly. Tom put on some rubber gloves and started wiping blood away from the cut Luke had gotten on his forehead. Luke started crying and tried to pull away from Tom. Ashton wrapped his arms around Luke and held him him tightly as Tom wiped his head gently. More gentle than before. It wasn't his intention to make it hurt.

"So buddy, what's your favorite color?" Tom asked to get Luke's mind off the cut.

"Uhm... blue." Luke whimpered now being even more scared of Tom than before. Tom pulled away from the cut and threw his gloves in the trash can.

"My favorite color is also blue!" Tom whisper-cheered knowing that Luke maybe had a headache. "Watch this!" Tom said and grabbed a new rubber glove. Luke started crying from fear of what Tom would do. "Not again." Luke cried.

"Hey hey buddy, no need to be scared. Look!" Tom said and blew air into the rubber glove turning it into a glove balloon. He tied the end giving it to Luke. Luke giggled.

"We are here." The driver said. Calum has been siting beside the driver The Entire ride and had asked interesting questions. Ashton got ready to carry Luke, but Tom stopped him.

"You're going to damage your back and I would prefer to not pick you up in the ambulance." Tom joked with the last part. Tom then grabbed Luke by the armpits and picked him up. He placed Luke on his hip, supporting his bum with his right hand.

Tom carried Luke to a room and Ashton and Calum followed. Tom sat Luke down on the exam bed and grabbed some rubber gloves again.

"Close your eyes buddy." Tom said and Luke did. He felt a stinging feeling in his forehead.

"Owww." Luke hissed and squeezed Toms shirt. He felt his forehead getting numbed and he opened his eyes seeing Tom doing something to his forehead.

"What are you doing?" He asked curiously.

"Fixing your head." Tom said finishing up. He then grabbed a wipe and pured some liquid on it.

"Is that going to hurt?" Luke asked getting scared.

"You won't feel a thing buddy." Tom said and cleaned Luke's cut which had now been stitched together.

"Done!" Tom said. "You can go home now." He started cleaning up the things he had used.

"Uhm.. we don't exactly know.. how to get home.." Ashton said.

"don't you have someone who can pick you up?" Tom asked and they all shook their heads in sync.

"Well.." Tom said.

Calum cheered as he tired the sirens of the ambulance sitting beside the driver as well.
Ashton and Luke sat in the back talking to Tom about everything random.
Michael had texted them telling that he had faked his sickness.
Calum texted him back saying that they figured.

But Luke was happy.
Luke cheered.
Luke was childish.

Because that was the way Luke hemmings was.

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