Ashton - appendicitis

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Ashton gets appendicitis and the boys doesn't really know what to do because Ashton is always the father of the band.

Here you go!

Luke: 17
Calum and Michael: 18
Ashton: 19

Ashton had woken up feeling a slight pain in his abdomen. He didn't thought much about it so he just tried to get back to sleep. He luckily managed to fall back to sleep and sleep until the morning.

When Ashton woke up in the morning his stomach hurt more. He tried to roll onto his side but his stomach was hurting more by moving so he stayed on his back. "Mikey?" Ashton whispers earning a hum. "Can you make breakfast today? I'm a little tired?"
Michael didn't answered but climbed out of his bunk and looked at Ashton.
"Are you okay mate?" Michael asked. Ashton nodded. Michael then went to the kitchen of the bus to make breakfast. Shortly after Calum and Luke went to the kitchen as well.

Ashton was the last one to slowly get out of his bunk and even slower go to the kitchen. He was taking small steps and held a hand on his abdomen all the time. "Ash? Are you okay?" Calum asked worriedly. Ashton nodded and took a few more steps before stopping, and bending over slightly. Ashton gagged. The boys knew what was coming and Luke was fast to catch his vomit with the bin. "Oh ash." Michael frowned. Calum helped Ashton back to his bunk and then went to the kitchen again.
"What the hell do we do?!" Calum whispered so Ashton couldn't hear.
"I don't know!" Luke whispered back.
"Oh guys come on! How can you hesitate so much! He is sick. We just take care of him and comfort him!" Michael whispered. The other guys agreed on that. They all went to Ashton's bunk were Ashton, who was pale as a sheet, was resting.
"Luke can you get the thermometer?" Calum said. Luke nodded and went to the bathroom.

He came back shortly after and woke Ashton up. "Buddy, open your mouth. Just a little." Luke told him. Ashton opened his mouth enough for Luke to slide the thermometer under his tongue and let it rest on his bottom lip.

When the thermometer beeped Luke took it out. "99.4" he announced making the other lads nod. "It hurts!" Ashton whined and began tearing up. "I know ashy. I know." Calum said and hugged his bandmate. "We will leave you for now Alright? Just so you can get some rest." Ashton nodded. So they went to the kitchen and played a bit of FIFA.

Suddenly they heard loud cries coming from the bathroom.
"Ow!" The Cries got louder.
"I'll go see him." Calum said and left the kitchen. He knocked softly on the door.
"Ash buddy, are you alright in there?" Calum asked making him cry harder.
"No calum, it hurts! It hurts so fucking badly!" Ashton's crying voice responded.
"I'm coming in." Calum warned and walked in. He saw his crying bandmate on the toilet. His boxers were pulled down to his ankles and his face bright red. Tears were rolling down his cheeks violently.
"Oh ash.." Calum sighed sympathetic and sat down in front of the crying boy. Calum grabbed his hands and squeezed them.
"Come on. Try one more time." Calum said and tried to comfort Ashton. Ashton pushed, trying his hardest to let it all out, but it hurt more and Ashton let out a scream of pain.
"Shh.." Calum cooed and rubbed his back. "I know."
"It hurts!" Ashton cried. He was bawling so hard. He couldn't help it. He was constipated and it hurt.
"Haven't you been able to get anything out at all?" Ashton shook his head. Calum sighed. "Alright buddy. Come here. Let me help you." Calum said and grabbed Ashton by the armpits. He pulled him up from the toilet. The movement hurt Ashton's abdomen and he cried out again. "Ow! Calum!" He Cried.
"I know, I'm sorry. Try to relax." Calum said and pulled up Ashton's boxers and shorts. He carried him to the kitchen. "We need to take him to the doctor." Calum said to Michael and Luke.
"N-no.." Ashton whimpered.
"Yes ash. We need to." Luke said and grabbed Calums keys.

Calum carries his poor crying bandmate to the car and sat him in the back of it. Luke jumped in next to Ashton, Calum was driving and Michael was on the passenger seat.

Calum drove as careful as possible but yet there was a small bump on the road which made Ashton scream out in pain.  Luke rubbed his back in a try to calm him as they finally arrived to the hospital.

They all got out of the car and Calum once again carried his sick band mate through the doors of the hospital. The boys checked him in and sat in the waiting area.

"Ashton Irwin?" The doctor spoke making Calum, Michael and Luke a stand up and Calum carried Ashton through the hallway.

The doctor followed them to a room where Ashton was laid on the examination table. The doctor pulled Ashton shirt up a bit to flash his lower stomach. It was slightly swollen on the right side. "Okay sweetheart, I need you to tell me if anything hurts Alright?" Ashton nodded and the doctor slowly pushed down on the left side of his stomach. She moved to the middle and then to the right where she earned a loud scream followed by crying. "I'm sorry sweetie." She said and pulled Ashton's shirt down again. "Can you give me your arm sweetie?" Ashton did as told. The doctor put a needle in the crook of his arm which just made Ashton cry out harder. The doctor felt bad for the poor boy. When she had drained enough blood she took the needle out again. She laid the tube on the desk and made Ashton lay on his left side. She pulled his pants down to his knees and Ashton knew what was coming. He didn't looked forward to it. The doctor spread his buttocks and Ashton's face went bright red. She pushed her finger inside making Ashton yelp. She felt around and touched his appendix which made him break down in tears. She took her finger out again and pulled his pants back up.

"I'll be back." The doctor said and walked out of the room with the blood. The boys immediately rushed to Ashton and tried to comfort him.

The doctor came back shortly after with a paper. "So Ashton my dear. Unfortunately you have appendicitis, and we have to perform surgery on you." She said and explained more.

Ashton got ready for the surgery before he could say "Alright Los Angeles." And he was soon put to sleep.

Surgery went well and the next couple of weeks Ashton was at home and recovered.


I hope someone got the inside joke of "Alright Los Angeles!"

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- Filippa

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