Michael - "i am honest!"

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hey if you don't mind i have a request! could you do a sickfic where michael is really sick and the other boys don't believe him and are really mean to him? at the end obviously they end up believing him. tysm if you do this. could you make it anon also?


Michael - 19

Calum - 19

Ashton - 20

Luke - 18

5 seconds of summer was mainly on tour right now but they had breaks every now and then. Their next break was in 2 days and they were all exited to go home to see their families. They had been missed a lot. Although Michael wasn't feeling too good today. He felt nauseous and a bit dizzy. He just felt off in general. He decided to tell Ashton, since he was the best at dealing with stuff. He went to the kitchen of the bus, where Luke and Calum was playing that game where they have to slap each others hands. Ashton was doing the dishes.

"Ash?" Michael asked. "I don't feel so good."

Ashton shook his head. "Not today Michael. I don't know if you've noticed, but people are tired and it's not a good day to start faking."

He thought Michael was faking?

"I'm not faking Ash!" Michael exclaimed, trying to convince Ashton.

"It's okay Mike, what is it? why do you fake sickness? what is it you don't want to do?" Calum asked, actually trying to be friendly.

"I am honest!" Michael yelled, making him grab his head as he got more dizzy.

"Michael stop it! If you really feel bad, then grab the bucket and be a little mature and independent!" Ashton almost yelled at him. Tears welled into Michaels eyes, but he did as Ashton said and grabbed the bucket. He went to his bunk and tried to sleep, which helped after 20 minutes.

30 minutes later, Michael woke up and walked to the kitchen. The door was shut but he could hear the other guys talking.

"What are we gonna do about Michael?" Luke asked

"Idk.." Calum sighed.

"Honestly I'm happy that we are going home soon, so we don't have to deal with all of this bullshit." Ashton said.

That made Michael look at the floor. He started crying softly. Was he really that bad? the thoughts stormed around in his head and he didn't even notice when Ashton opened the door.

"Mike? w-what are you doing here?" He stuttered in pure surprise.

"You want to stop dealing with my bullshit..?" Michael asked softly, looking at Ashton with hurt eyes.

"I-it wasn't like that.."

Michael nodded, turned around and went back to his bunk. Ashton felt bad that he had hurt Michaels feelings. So he went to his bunk 40 minutes later to check on him.

"Mikey?" He asked softly. "are you okay?"


"I'm sorry Mikey. I didn't mean it that way. It's just.." Ashton sighed. "I thought you were faking you know?"

Michael nodded and Ashton hugged him tightly.

"Why don't we cuddle up on the couch?"

Michael nodded again and they went to they couch and cuddled up. They just hugged and relax. And when Michael threw up 30 minutes later, Ashton of course helped.

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