Luke - Cancer

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Luke gets leukaemia, but he doesn't tell the others. Something happens so they find out though.


Luke - 19

Calum - 20

Michael - 20

Ashton - 21

Luke went for a walk. He had too much in his head, that he didn't know how to deal with. It wouldn't matter anyways. He was deathly sick, and a miracle had to happen if he would be cured. He couldn't believe what he was told at the hospital 5 days ago. He had leukaemia. How the hell should he tell the boys?

Luke sobbed. So this was the end. Not quite as he expected. Would 5 seconds of summer get a new lead singer when he was gone? Ashton would surely get into another band. He had played in several bands and he would always love playing music. Luke sat on a bench near a playground. He remembered how he used to love playgrounds. How he and Ash even got stuck in one at McDonalds.

At the same time, Calum went to the post office to get their mail. Since they were on tour, they couldn't really get it in a mailbox. He brought it all home to the bus and looked through the stack of papers. Mostly it was just newspapers and promotion from companies, but there was one letter. For Luke though. Calum really wanted to open the letter, but he knew it was wrong. He let it be on the table, till Luke came home.

"Yo, Luke! There's mail for you on the table!" Calum yelled as Luke stepped inside the bus.

"Thank you." Luke mumbled, grabbed the letter and opened it. He read all the information about his upcoming therapy and sighed. He threw the letter in the trashcan, then he went straight to his bunk.

Later when Ashton was cooking their dinner, he was about the throw the milk bottle in the trashcan, when he saw the curly letter. He picked it up and unfolded it. His eyes got wider as he read the letter and he let a couple of tears fall. He walked to the lounge, where both Calum and Michael were hanging out.

"Guys..." Ashton said and made sure that the door behind him was closed. The two younger boys looked up at their sad bandmate.

"Luke has cancer.." Ashton sobbed. He couldn't believe his own words and he would wish that it was just a nightmare.

"He can't, what are you talking about?" Michael was confused and he refused to believe Ashtons words. Ashton handed him the paper and Michael read it slowly and carefully. Calum read over Michaels shoulder as well.

"He has leukaemia?" Calum asked looking at Ashton. Ashton nodded and broke down crying.

"Shh.., I know, I know. But he'll be okay.. he'll be okay Ash I promise." Calum whispered and pulled Ashton into a hug. He placed him on his lap and rocked him slowly back and forth until he was no longer crying.

"I'm gonna go get Luke." Michael said and stood up. Calum placed Ashton next to himself on the couch. Michael walked out to wake Luke up and came back shortly after with him. Michael sat down on the other side of Ashton. Luke sat beside Calum.

"When were you going to tell us?" Michael asked, but he was careful with being to harsh on Luke.

"Tell you what?"

"You have leukaemia..." Ashton sobbed grabbing Michaels arm and hugging it close. Luke looked down.

"You can't keep that a secret, we gotta fight it you know." Michael said maybe a bit too harsh. Luke broke down in tears and Calum was quick to hold him tightly. Calum held Lukes head into his chest.

"We don't want you to feel all alone about this you know." Calum said and kisses Lukes head softly.

Lukes chemotherapy started 3 days later. He couldn't do much. He was just laying in his hospital bed, preparing for the worst news. Sometimes the nurses would take him for walks around the hospital. Luke was doing okay. He hadn't lost all of his hope but it felt like an infinite fight. It wasn't until the day, the boys was visiting that he didn't felt okay.

The boys had been there the entire day and Luke had been up for quite a while. He had been throwing up a lot, but he was tired.

"Guys I'm tired." Luke said and brushed his hair out of his face with one of his hands. It was to his surprise when his hair fell out of his scalp. Luke stared at it, then he started to cry hysterically. Michael was by his side in seconds.

"Shhh.. Lukey.. Calm down... We knew it was gonna happen sometime right?" He whispered.

"B-But I didn't thought it was gonna happen so early!" Luke cried out. The boys tried to calm him, but each time they brushed through his hair, and more hair fell out, he cried harder.

It was 8 long years of fighting, and no certain that Luke was going to survive. Each day they would ask the doctors if there was any news but the numbers switched all the time. It was almost Lukes birthday and the boys was in his room.

"What do you wish for your birthday Lukey?" Calum asked.

"I want to be free from this sickness. I want to be cured, I want to be healthy." Luke mumbled.

The day before Lukes birthday, the doctor came into his room. He tried to hide a smiled, but failed and smiled widely.

"Luke Hemmings... You are cured."

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