Luke - homesick

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The boys are on tour. Luke misses his family a lot and that causes him to not sleep or eat. The boys find out and they figure out what to do.

Luke - 15
Michael and Calum - 16
Ashton - 17


It was 11 pm and the boys had agreed on going to their bunks and sleep. But Luke couldn't sleep. He missed his parents and his brothers. The cold space around him was uncomfortable. Luke wanted his mom to be by his side, he wanted her to hum him to sleep and watch over him. He sobbed and hugged his stuffed penguin tighter. Luke shut his eyes which made a tear slip and fall onto the penguin. Luke sobbed again and hiccuped.

The other boys didn't heard him. They were already in a deep sleep.

Within a minute, Luke was a sobbing mess. He wanted to call his mom but he knew it was only 3 am in Australia. His mom wouldn't wake up.

The next morning, Luke went to the kitchen of the bus seeing the boys already eating breakfast.

"Hey Luke, we made scrambled eggs for you." Calum said and passed the plate to Luke as he sat down. Luke managed to give him a fake smile. He didn't ate it. He just took his fork and mixed the food together in shapes.

"Luke?" Michael asked. Luke looked up and noticed all the boys looking at him.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Ashton asked. Luke shook his head.

"I'm not hungry. I'll be in my bunk." He said and left the table. The boys looked at each other knowing that something was wrong.

Luke sobbed. He cuddled his penguin closer and let out a cry. He knew that he couldn't get home. He couldn't leave the tour. Luke rolled over and faced the wall.

Luke felt a hand on his shoulder. "Lukey?" Ashton asked. His voice were telling that he was worried. Luke rolled over to face Ashton.

Ashton saw his bandmate with warm wet tears down his face and Luke just cried harder when he saw Ashton. Ashton laid next to Luke in his bunk. Luke snuggled into Ashton's chest and cried.

"Lukey baby, what's wrong with ya? What's the matter?"

"I miss my family." Luke cried. Ashton rubbed his back and took Lukes phone which were next to him.

"Here." Ashton said and handed Luke the phone. "Call your mom." He smiled. Luke gave him a weak smile and sat up. He found his mom in the contacts and called.

Li - Liz. Lu - Luke.

Li - Liz Hemmings.
Lu - mom..
Li - Luke? What's wrong baby?
Lu - I-I miss you. I miss dad a-and I miss b-Ben and j-jack.
Li - Luke shhh, stop crying. I miss you too but you'll be okay. Tour is fun isn't it? Ashton take good care of you right?
Lu - y-yes but.. mom I don't feel good.
Li - Shh Luke baby. Calm down okay? Are you with anyone right now?
Lu - ash is here.
Li - okay, can you pass the phone to him baby?
Lu - yes.

Luke handed the phone to Ashton.

A - Ashton.

A- Ashton here.
Li - hi Ashton, Luke told me he wasn't feeling too good. He's going to be alright right?
A - to be honest.. I don't really know. He doesn't wanna eat and he can't sleep. It seems pretty bad. He's homesick.
Li - oh my poor baby, what am I supposed to do?
A - I would say we see how he is in tomorrow and if it's still this bad, I'll fly with him home.
Li - what about management?
A - they can't do anything else. If it gets worse he can end up in the hospital or something. He needs some time of and they have to accept that.
Li - okay. I'll see you later Ashton. Thank you. Bye.
A - you're welcome. Bye.

Ashton hung up and cuddled Luke again.

"We will see how everything goes tomorrow okay?"

Luke nodded and snuggled into Ashton again.

Luke was too sad to eat both lunch and dinner that day and when Ashton woke up in the night hearing sobs, he knew he had to do something.

Ashton sat laid in Lukes bunk next to him and cuddled him.

"You got it pretty bad huh?"

Luke sobbed. He didn't wanted to let the fans and his band down but he missed his family so much that he couldn't do anything.

"Lukey buddy, I'm gonna fly you home tomorrow."

"But the fans-"

"It's okay Luke. You need to go home and get some rest."

Luke sighed sadly. This wasn't his plan but when Ashton made a decision then it was the final. That was Ashton's job as daddy5sos.

The hours passed and the sun rose. Ashton had called management and told the boys that Luke had to go home and Ashton himself was going with him.

"Have you packed?" Ashton asked Luke. He nodded.

"Let's go then." Luke nodded again and stood up. He felt bad for leaving but he couldn't help it.

Calum and Michael drove them to the airport and wished them the best luck before they left.

Luke and Ashton found their gate, their plane and their seats and started waiting for the 5 hours to pass by.

Luke and Ashton rushed out as the plane landed. They quickly got their luggage and went outside to the spot where all people were waiting for family.

Luke spotted his older brothers in the crowd and sprinted to them. He jumped into the arms of his oldest brother and cried into his chest. Then Ben passed Luke to jack who let him cry into his shirt.

"Shhh.. it's okay now.. we are here now. You're home."

Luke sobbed. He felt so safe in Jacks arms. Ashton walked over and laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Get some rest okay buddy? I'll see you later." He said and went to his own family.

Ben and Jack drove home with Luke. Their parents had made a cake and they all had a great time. Luke could finally relax again.

That's it! Continue to vote for the next one!

1) Luke - breaks his leg (rides a bike and falls)

2) Ashton - diarrhea (title says everything)

3) Michael - (give ideas)

4) Michael - Fire (based on the 'michael burnt on stage' accident)

5) Ashton - appendicitis

Thanks for reading!
- Filippa

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