Ashton - back injury

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This is the second part of "what's the truth."

Remember how Tom told Ashton not to carry Luke because he could get a back injury, and Tom wouldn't like to pick Ashton up in the ambulance? Well...

Ashton - 17

Ashton was helping his mom while she was gone for work and Harry and Lauren were with their dad. Ashton knew his mom had some heavy boxes with books upstairs that she wanted moved to the basement, so Ashton thought he could help her with it.

He grabbed a box and carried it through the living room, through the kitchen and to the basement. He repeated the process until he felt a sharp pain in his back and fell to the kitchen floor dropping the box. His phone slid out of his pocket and Ashton tried to reach it as he screamed in pain. He finally reached his phone and he called his mom.

Am - Anne Marie
A - Ashton

AM: Hey honey, what's up?
A: M-Mom, my back hurts. I-I tried to help you with the boxes, but it suddenly hurt. A-and I can't move.
AM: okay Ash honey. You're a big boy, I need you to call the ambulance okay?
A: o-okay.
AM: i love you baby, I will see you at the hospital as fast as possible.
A: I love you too.

Ashton then called for an ambulance. Truth is, he wasn't a big boy right now. He was scared and hurting and he wanted his mom's comfort.

The ambulance arrived within 10 minutes and a paramedic knelt down next to Ashton. Ashton already knew this paramedic. It was Tom. He had picked Luke, Ashton and Calum up when Luke fainted and hit his head.

"Hey buddy." Tom said.

"Hi Tom."

"Didn't I told you to not get back injuries?" Tom joked.

"I'm sorry." Ashton mumbled.

"It's okay kid, you couldn't help it." Tom laid his hand on Ashton's arm. "So what we will do, is that we will numb you up with some shots in your back, load you into the ambulance and fix you at the hospital."

Ashton felt himself panic. He hates shots. He was scared of them honestly. He tried to move away but screamed of the pain from his back. He cried out.

"Hey, easy.. easy." Tom soothed him. "I feel some needle phobia going on here, am I right?" Ashton nodded slowly. "Okay, plan B, we will load you into the ambulance and fix you up at the hospital. We might have to use a needle at some point, but then you will have more time to prepare yourself. Is that okay bud?"

Ashton was sceptic but he nodded and another paramedic came to them with a bed. They lifted him up and Ashton screamed and cried.

"I know, I know." Tom cooed. They wheeled Ashton to the ambulance and they drove Of to the hospital. Tom was the nicest paramedic Ashton had ever met and he had met a couple. Tom just had a good catch of kids.

"So I need your name again." Tom said grabbing a notebook.

"Ashton Irwin."



"Okay thank you." Tom said putting away the book. "So Ashton, when we arrive I'm going to bring you to an exam room and examine your back. We will most likely take some x-rays, and then we will go from there okay?"

Ashton nodded. He was okay as long as no needles were included. The ambulance stopped and he was brought into a room. Tom turned him over so he was laying on his stomach.

"Just relax." Tom told him and pulled up his shirt to see his skin and muscles. Tom started feeling down his spine and muscles making Ashton cry out in pain.

"Shh I'm sorry buddy." Tom apologized. "We will take some x-rays," Tom wheeled the crying boy to the x-ray room and held his hands over his head as they were taken. Hot tears were flowing down Ashton's cheeks. Ashton was wheeled back to the room.

"Okay ashton, nothing is broken okay? Nothings broken, that's good." Tom said. "It seems like you have pulled a muscle, but I do have to inject some medicine."

Ashton cried harder, now he was scared for real. Tom burned of sympathy as he filled up the 4 syringes. He put them on a tray and came over to Ashton.

"Hey buddy, lets get over with this. The best thing you can do is to relax your muscles and try to stay still." Ashton nodded and Tom started the procedure. Ashton cried harder every time a needle pierced his skin. When Tom had injected all 4 of them, he sat by Ashton's head and held his hands. He rubbed his knuckles to calm the poor boy. Soon Ashton's mom walked in.

"Ashton honey, it's okay." She said kissing his head. "What happened?" She asked Tom.

"He pulled a muscle In his back. It haven't been so pleasant for him, but he just gotta go home and relax."

She nodded and helped Ashton up.

"Bye ashton." Tom said and waved as they walked out. They drove home and Ashton just had to lay on the couch and relax for the next entire week.

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