Luke - seizure

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Request for @angelbaby198

I didn't knew what a seizure was in the beginning so I had to look up videos and so off it and it actually made me quite scared and uncomfortable. I don't know that much about seizures but I hope this is okay.

Luke has a seizure from a really high fever and Ashton is the one who find him.

Ages; (were chosen by me, it was just what I imagined)
Luke - 18
Michael and Calum - 19
Ashton - 20

Luke had had a fever the last couple of days, but now it was really bad. He had thrown up and felt nauseous for a long time. Today was practice day and the boys had agreed on meeting at Michaels house for a band practice.

Luke went up from his bed. By now he had a fever off 104,7. He felt so bad that he couldn't do anything but falling back into the bed. It didn't took long before he fell into a deep sleep.

When the clock was 11.45 and Luke still hadn't arrived to Michaels house, the boys became worried. Luke only lived 10 minutes away and he should have been there at 11. Daddy5sos Who was also known as Ashton were the most worried. Luke had never missed a band practice. Ashton checked his phone every 2 minutes to make sure Luke hadn't called or sent a message.

"Guys I'm gonna go see if Luke is okay. I'm worried." Ashton said and stood up.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Calum asked.

"No, stay here. Text me if he shows up."

The kiwi nodded as Ashton left the house. Ashton arrived to Lukes house shortly after. He knocked on the door, but nothing happened. He knocked harder as his worry grew. Again, nothing happened. Ashton took the extra key from his pocket. All the boys had the keys to each other's houses. He unlocked the door running into the living room where he saw Lukes pale body sitting on the couch staring into nothing. Just air.

"Luke?" Ashton called but Luke didn't react. Ashton waved with his hand in front of Lukes face but Luke didn't even closed his eyes. Ashton became worried for real now. He grabbed his phone and immediately called Calum who picked up at the first ring.

C- Calum. A - Ashton.

C: what's happening?
A: come over now! Somethings wrong with Luke!
C: we're coming!!

Ashton hung up. Luke slowly turned his head and fell back onto the couch. He did small turns and twists. He made small squirms and that made Ashton scared. Luke fell off the couch hitting his head on the table.

"Luke!" Ashton said running to him. He called for an ambulance quickly.

H - hospital. A - Ashton.

H: Sydney hospital how can I help?
A: I need and ambulance to (Lukes address)
H: what happened and who is hurt?
A: my best friend Luke, he's 18 and somethings wrong! It's like he's completely frozen! He doesn't react to anything! He fell of the couch and hit his head!
H: sir, calm down, an ambulance is on the way. Now stay away from him and don't touch him.
A: okay, thank you sir.
H: always.

Ashton hung up once again and stepped away from Luke. Michael and Calum ran inside the house and saw Luke on the floor.

"Ambulance is on their way, they told me to stay away from him." Ashton explained. He was scared but he didn't let anyone know.

Luke had no idea what was going on though. Everything was blank for him.

The ambulance soon arrived. They quickly got Lukes twisting body onto a stretcher and drove him to the hospital. The other 3 boys drove in the car.

Luke had been in a room for 3 hours now. His nervous bandmates sitting in the waiting area hoping and praying that he was okay. No one really knew what was happening in there but let's just say.. Luke was having a lot of medicine pumped into his body.

"Family for Hemmings?" The doctor spoke as he entered into the waiting room. The 3 guys sprinted to him and bombarded him with questions.

"Woah easy." He said making the guys quiet. "Luke have had what's called a seizure. He doesn't remember and he's not permanently hurt. We managed to get his fever down to normal temperature as well as making the seizure disappear. He hurt his head a tiny bit but he'll be fine. He's awake now, you can see him."

The boys followed him into a room where Luke was resting on a bed. He turned his head and saw the boys. A slight smile appeared on his face.

"Hey guys." He said hoarsely.

"Hi Lukey." Ashton spoke taking a seat beside the bed. He grabbed his hand and rubbed his knuckles softly and gently.

"Are you okay?" Calum asked.

Luke nodded and smiled a bit.

"Just a small headache." He said.

All 3 guys hugged him at the same time. They were relieved that their mate was okay.

That's it. Hope you liked it.
- Filippa

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