Michael - can't sleep

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requested by nurse2020

Can you do one where Michael is really tired but he can't get himself to sleep. He tells this and that this has been going on since yesterday which also leads to the fact that he's been living off of energy drink and Red Bull for the past 2-3 days to Calum who try's everything from singing him to sleep, sleeping with him/rocking him to sleep, feeding him herbal remedies he found online. It's gets so bad that they take him to the doctor who gives him an iv. While they insert it, Calum hold his arm down because Michael is scared and the doctor doesn't want him to pull back when he's going to put it in (and other reasons like pull it out, exc.) he administers sedatives that will knock him out to make up for the lost sleep. Calum also hold his hand through this process to show he's there for him. Luke and Ashton share his other hand. They watch as he closed his eyes and feel his hand go limp in theirs. Luke and Ashton take out Daniel and place him in his hands and then lay on the couch and on the spare bed to wait for his awakening. After 18 hours, he wakes up refreshed and ready to seize the day when he realizes it's all ready the late afternoon/ early night.


Michael - 18

Calum - 18

ashton - 19

Luke - 17

"Cal..?" Michael whispered as he walked into Calums room in the middle of the night. Calum slowly woke up and rubbed his eyes tiredly.


Michael saw that he had woken up Calum and suddenly regretted his decisions of coming to him. "I-I'm sorry.. I-ill go again." He rushed to the door but Calum stopped him.

"No no it's okay. What's wrong Mikey?" He asked. Michael walked back to Calum bed. He sat down.

"I can't sleep.." He said with his head low. 

"Hmm okay... do you wanna sleep in here?" Calum suggested. Michael nodded and laid down.

"So you haven't slept at all for 2 hours?" Calum asked.

"I haven't slept at all for days.." Michael mumbled

"What?" Calum exclaimed. "Michael you can't do that to yourself, how have you even stayed awake?"

"With energy drinks..?"

Calum sighed. "Well we better get you to sleep then.."

Calum tried literally everything. From singing him to sleep, to sleeping with him, to spooning him, to rocking him, but Michael just panicked and started crying instead.

"Michael please just sleep." Calum basically begged him.

"I can't." Michael cried and that was when Calum called the hospital and told them that it was urgent. Calum woke up Luke and Ashton. The four of them went to the hospital and because of the late night, no one was really there. Except for the doctors of course. A doctor brought them to a room but Michael was scared. He was sat in a chair in front of the doctor and they were told to explained the problem. So Calum explained. Luke and Ashton were shocked. They had no idea that Michael hadn't slept.

"Okay so I'm gonna insert an IV with some medicines. It will put you to sleep, Michael and give you some rest." The doctor explained.

Michael immediately looked scared, but Calum was fast to grab his arm and hold it still. Luke and Ashton both held onto his other hand and the doctor put in the IV. Michael cried and cried but eventually, he fell asleep.

18 hours later, Michael woke up.

"Hey guys, ready to start the day?!" Michael yelled happily.

"Well actually, lets go home and sleep a bit alright?" Ashton said, carrying a sleeping Luke.

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