Luke - ear infection

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This one is for @kadiecar

Luke gets an ear infection.

Luke - 14

Luke and his class had been on a class trip where they had to sleep as well. The parents would come the next morning to pick them up.

Calum and Michael wasn't here though. Calum was in vacation with his family and Michael just didn't wanted to go. Luke woke up to his ear hurting slightly, but he shrugged it off.

The class got breakfast, packed their sleeping bags together and then waited for their parents.

Some of the boys played soccer, some played card. The girls were talking. Probably about boys or idols. Hot band guys or famous actors.

But Luke's ear had gotten worse and he was sitting on a rock just praying for his mom to come pick him up soon. The pain became unbearable and Luke started crying as he held his hand over his ear.

"Luke?" A girl from Luke's class asked. Her name was Kate. She laid a hand on his back. "Hey Luke, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly.

"M-my ear.. ow.." Luke cried.

"Let me see." She said and gently moved Luke's hand away. She laid her hand on the side of his hand to let him have the feeling that she was there for him. She looked in looked irritated ear. She breathed out. She decided to sit next to Luke on the rock. She wrapped an arm around him.

"Do you have your phone here?" She asked and Luke nodded. "Hand it to me then I'll call your mother and tell her to come as soon as possible." Kate smiled. Luke nodded, unlocked his phone and gave it to Kate.

"Hello mrs. Hemmings, this is Kate from Luke's class.... can you please pick Luke up as soon as possible.. his ear is hurting him and he's sitting next to me crying from pain... yeah I just want him to get better.. thank you so much. Bye." She said and hung up.

"She'll be here in 10 minutes." Kate told Luke and held him tighter as he cried. It was 10 long minutes until Liz's car rolled into the parking lot. Luke ran to her and hugged her as soon as she got out of the car. He cried into her.

"Lukey baby, Hey." Liz spoke holding her crying son close. She kissed his forehead. "Let's get home yeah?" She said. Kate came with Luke's sleeping bag.

"Thank you Kate." Liz said and smiled.

"You're welcome. Get better soon Luke." Kate smiled and Luke and Liz drove.

Luke cried and held his hand to his ear the entire ride. Liz carried him inside as they got home. She laid Luke on the couch shining flashlight into his ear.

"That must be an infection." She said and hugged him. She went to the bathroom to get some ear drops. Luke had had ear infections before and he hated getting the drops. Luke cried harder as Liz came back.

"Shh Luke Shh." She shushed as she held his head still with one hand and inserted the small nozzle into Luke's ear with the right. Luke flinched and tried to move as the nozzle touched a painful spot. He cried but Liz let the drops flow into his ear knowing they would help him.

Liz soon pulled out the nozzle and brushed through Luke's hair with her fingers to calm him. Luke's cries slowed down to whimpers and Liz kissed his head.

Within 3 days, Luke was okay again.

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