Luke - anorexia

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The boys get a lot of hate and Luke has a hard time. He gets anorexia and the boys get really worried.


Luke - 17

Michael - 18

Calum - 18

ashton - 19

Luke sobbed out as he sat on the cold bathroom tiles, reading the hate comments on twitter that  the 5sos-haters had posted. He knew it was stupid to read it but he couldn't help himself.

Luke is so fucking fat, it's crazy!

one said.

why do you all think Luke Hemmings is cute and hot? All I see is a fat cow..

another one said. Lukes heart was aching by every comment he read. His warm tears wouldn't stop streaming down his face. He was alone in the bus, he knew. The boys was out playing soccer, but Luke had told them that he would rather stay home. He had said that they could just go and have fun.

Luke turned off his phone and grabbed a tissue. He wiped his tears away and threw the tissue in the trashcan. He unlocked the door and walked out of the bathroom. He knew he was alone but he had locked the door, just in case they came home. Luke didn't know why he wiped away his tears, because they came back anyways. He went to lay in his bunk. He pulled the blanket over his body, and he let the tears slip down his cheeks. After a couple of minutes of crying, sobbing and hiccupping, Luke fell asleep.

The boys finished playing soccer about 30 minutes later. They entered the bus laughing and Calum threw the ball at the couch.

"that was seriously the best game ever!" Michael exclaimed.

Calum nodded. "I would just wish Luke had been there."

Ashton agreed.

"Where is Luke anyways?" Michael asked.

Calum and Ashton both shrugged.

"Why don't you two start cooking, then I'll look for him?" Calum asked, knowing that he wasn't the best at cooking and Michael and Ashton would do a way better job. Michael and Ashton started cooking and Calum searched through the bus. He looked in the bathroom, in the lounge room, In the kitchen even though he knew he wasn't there.

"Where can one little hemmo be?" Calum groaned to himself. If Calum was a cartoon character, there would appear a light bulb over his head in that moment as he realised that he hadn't checked the bunks yet. Calum went to the bunks and pulled Lukes curtains back. He watched the sleeping Luke for a couple of seconds. His hair was messy and there were tear tracks on his cheeks. Calum knelt down and leant over. He rubbed Lukes cheek.

"Lukey?" He whispered earning a small whimper followed by stretching. Luke opened his eyes slowly.

"hmmm..." Luke mumbled tiredly and closed his eyes again.

"Lukey?" Calum called again, a bit louder and rubbed Lukes cheek. Luke pretended that he didn't hear Calum. "come on Luke, you have to get up. Dinner is almost ready."

Once again, Luke acted like he was sleeping. Calum sighed and crawled into bed next to Luke. He wrapped his arm around the younger boy.

"Hey bud, I know you're not sleeping. What's up? Why are you ignoring me? Why don't you wanna talk?" Calum asked.

"Not hungry." Luke mumbled, nuzzling his head into Calum. Calum rubbed his back.

"Are you sure Lukey? You never skip."

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