Luke - brothers

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Luke gets sick and Jack and Ben take care of him.

Luke - 14
Jack - 17
Ben - 18

Ps. Using of rectal thermometer

Luke was definitely not feeling very well. He woke up at 1.43 am and his stomach hurt as hell. He felt nauseous and weak. His parents were away for 2 weeks and he was home alone with his older brothers.

Luke cried out in pain and clutched his penguin closer to his chest. Most of all he just wanted Ben and Jack to hear him and rush to him like, right now. Unfortunately that wasn't the case. His older brothers were in a very deep sleep and were not hearing him at all.

Luke sat up as he felt the urge to throw up. He calmed his breathing in the hopes of getting rid of the bad pain. It didn't but at least he trusted his stomach more now.

Luke were only 14 and still the baby of the hemmings family. And he would be even more like a baby when he was sick. He needed his brothers and he needed them now.

He slowly made sit way out of his room. He was dizzy. He looked down the hallway and saw that Jacks room was the closet. He slowly walked to his door. He knocked weakly and leaned against the cold door. He sobbed out.

After a bit he heard footsteps coming from the room and soon the door was opened. "Luke wha-" Jack were cut of by his younger brother falling into his arms and cries escape from his lips. "Woah.. shh.." Jack shushed and held Luke. "What's wrong Lukey?" "I-I don't feel good." Luke managed to respond. Jack picked his brother up in bridal style and carried him into the room. He placed him gently on the bed and ran out again. Luke cried. He felt really bad and his stomach were doing flips. Jack came back into the room with a bucket and Ben followed him. Jack placed the bucket on the floor and sat himself in front of Luke. Ben sat by his side. Jack brought his hand to Lukes forehead feeling for a fever. It felt quite warm but Jack reached to feel the lower part of Lukes back, which also was warm. "He definitely have a fever. Can you get me a thermometer Ben?" Jack asked. Ben nodded and left the room. Jack took over Bens seat and sat beside Luke. Luke let his head fall into jacks chest as he cried. Luke knew that his brothers were going to use the rectal thermometer. They had always used it whenever he was sick and he hated it. Jack stroked Lukes hair and whispered soothing words to him.

Soon Ben came back with the thermometer, Vaseline and some latex gloves. Luke's fear grew. He did not want this at all. And it was even worse when his brothers would do it. He wanted his mom. His brothers should not see his private parts, that's just not a brother thing. "Luke buddy?" Luke looked at Jack. "Who do you want to do it?" Luke shrugged. He really didn't cared at this point. "If I do it, then Ben can lay with you alright bud?" Jack said. Luke nodded. Jack stood up making Ben sit next to Luke instead. Ben laid down and pulled luke down with him as well. Luke laid on his left side with his head on Bens chest. Luke could hear Jack move around and that was enough to freak him out. He cried out and kicked out. "Shh Luke relax." Ben said and caught Lukes legs with his own. He held them down with his legs as Luke sobbed into his oldest brother.

Ben looked down and saw Jack putting on the gloves. He lubed the thermometer with the Vaseline and then placed it on and placed it on a tissue. Jack then gently pulled Lukes boxers down making Luke blush and whimper. In within a second, Luke cried in embarrassment as well. Jack walked to Lukes head and whispered to him. "Luke bud, I know you are scared and embarrassed but I am just your brother okay? I'm not gonna judge you. I'm just gonna help you. Don't be embarrassed, it will be over in two minutes I promise you." Luke didn't answered. He just wanted this hell to stop. Jack went back to the thermometer and laid his hand on Lukes buttock. He used his left hand to separate them and grabbed the thermometer with the right. He inserted it gently but Luke cried out and tensed his muscles. "Come on Luke. Relax or he will have to force it in." Ben said. No matter how hard Luke tried, he just couldn't relax. Jack sighed. He hated to do this to his baby brother but he really had to. He pushed the thermometer deeply inside making Luke cry out hard. Ben and Jack tried to shush him but nothing worked.

It took a minute but the thermometer finally beeped and jack took it out gently, making Luke relax immediately and his cries went down to sobs. "103.4" Jack frowned. Ben nodded. Jack put the stuff away and went to the bed next to Luke and Ben. Luke laid in the middle of the two brothers, whimpering and sniffing into the oldest one. "Lukey I'm so proud of you. You did very well." Ben nodded as jack stroked Lukes hair.

"What now?" Luke whimpered a couple of minutes later. "Well that temperature was pretty high buddy, so Ben is gonna stay here with you and give you a cold bath and stuff while I get to the store for some supplies okay?" Luke nodded. Jack went to the store and Ben and Luke laid on the bed for 10 minutes more.

"Let's get you to the bathroom okay?" Ben said and Luke nodded. Ben picked his youngest brother up from the bed and carried him to the bathroom where he undressed him and filled the bathtub with cold water. He then placed the penguin lover in the cold water making him whine instantly because of the cold water.

It took 15 minutes before Ben decided to let his brother out of the bathtub. Ben dried Lukes body because Luke was way to weak to do it himself. "Luke bud, stay here okay?" He said and placed him on a towel on the floor. Luke nodded and leaned his head against the cold wall. Ben sprinted out of the room and to Lukes room where he found his penguin pajamas and a penguin blanket. He brought the stuff with him back to the bathroom where he found Luke sleeping on the floor. Ben smiled slightly and dressed Luke in the pajamas. He then wrapped him in some blankets and carried him to Bens room where he placed his on the bed and let him sleep. Ben sat next to him rubbing his knuckles and stroking his wet hair.

Jack found Ben sitting next to Luke after coming home from the store. "How does it go?" Jack asked. "Better." Ben answered as jack sat beside him. "His fever have gone down a bit." Ben said. Jack nodded. Luke woke up to the voices of his brothers. "Hi bud, are you okay?" Jack asked. Luke nodded. "I brought you some medicine." He said and handed Luke the pills and a water bottle. Luke swallowed the pills. "I also have something else for you buddy." Jack started. "I think you did very well today. You were scared and insecure but you faced it and got your temperature taken anyways. I'm very proud of you." Jack said. "So I got you this one." Jack said and held up a stuffed penguin. Luke smiled. "Thank you." He whined happily. Jack smiled. "You deserve it." He said and gave the penguin to Luke who immediately hugged the penguin and cuddled it. One more penguin for the penguin collection..

So this was long. I hoped you guys liked it. Next up will be a Calum one.

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