Calum - the interview

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Requested by @libs993

Michael and Ashton has a interview but Ashton is tired and they are scared that he will pass out. Luke has something to do so they ask Calum to go to the interview but Calum is sick. They don't think it is that serious but he ends up in the hospital.

Here you go!

"Ash, come on please." Michael said and shook Ashton once again.
"Hm.. tired Mikey." Ashton said with sad and tired eyes.
"I know ash, I know but please?"
"Hmm." Ashton mumbled and sat up slowly.
"Come on mate." Michael said and headed downstairs. Ashton waited for a couple of minutes before he felt ready to head down as well. He was slaying slightly while walking.

Ashton was tired. He hadn't been sleeping well at all. He kept thinking about all the stuff going on at home. When Ashton was halfway on the staircase he stumbled and fell down the rest of the stairs. Ashton scratched his knee in the fall.
"Ashton!" Luke yelled shocked and ran to him. "Are you okay? Are you hurt."
"Fine.. tired." Ashton said tiredly.
"Are you sure mate? You scratched your knee on the stairs." Luke said.
Ashton looked at his knee where his skin was torn up a little. It was bright red and his knee had a burning feeling. Ashton shrugged and stood up again not minding his leg.
"Mikey, I don't think ash should do the interview. He could pass out you know." Luke told Michael.
"Why should he pass out?"
"Remember in Manchester?"
"Oh yeah.. you can do it then." Michael said.
"No, I promised to help Matt with the stage light." Luke said.
"What else?" Michael asked.
"Calum?" Luke recommended.
"Calum is sick."
"It's not that bad anymore. He had a fever for a few days, but it's getting better now. He's only on 99,8." Luke said. Michael nodded.
"Okay, I'll ask him. Help ash back to bed will you?" Luke nodded and Michael headed to Calum's room. Calum was sleeping peacefully but he was covered in sweat. His hair was sticking to his forehead. Michael sat on the edge of the bed. He brushed Calum's hair away from his forehead. Calum opened his eyes weakly.
"Cal-Pal, I need to ask you for a favor." Michael said. Calum hummed.
"Ashton is very tired and I'm really scared he is going to pass out while doing the interview. Can't you please do it instead of him?" Michael asked.
"I don't feel good Mikey." Calum whimpered.
"I know Cal, but I don't wanna bring ash after what happened in Manchester last year. Do you understand?" Michael asked. Calum nodded.
"Okay... I'll do it.." he said. Michael smiled.
"I love you Cal." Michael said and kissed Calum's sweaty cheek.

Calum and Michael soon left for the interview.
"You're listening to Iheartradio! And I'm here with Michael and Calum from 5 seconds of summer!" The interviewer announced.
The fans asked some questions and the boys were answering. Michael then felt a tap on his arm. He looked over and saw Calum sweating and pale.
"Excuse us." Michael said, grabbed Calum and rushed with him to a toilet. Calum heaved over and threw up violently. Calum felt so bad he started crying.
"Sh sh sh..." Michael shushed holding his hair out of the way. He felt Calum's burning forehead and hugged him.
"Calum, this is not going to end well. You just went from 99,8 to 102,5 at least and that is way too much. I have to bring you to the hospital." Michael said. He knew Calum hated hospitals and that he always picked there but he had no choice.

He scooped the tall boy into his arms and carried him to the car. They went to the emergency part of the hospital.
"What's the matter?" A doctor asked.
"His temperature is raising way too fast please help him." Michael begged. The doctor nodded and placed his hand in Calum's forehead. He told Michael to follow him to a room and he did. Michael laid Calum on the bed and stepped back so the doctor had space to work. The doctor placed a oxygen mask over Calum's nose and mouth but Calum panicked and jerked away from it. The doctor grabbed his head and forced it to stay in the position. Calum chocked our a cry and it broke Michael's heart.

Calum was out as a light and the doctor started an IV to give him some medicines through.

When Calum woke up he was feeling much better but the hospital stuff was freaking him out. Luckily Michael was there to calm him.


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