Luke - hide it

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Requested by @Ruby_Loves_1D

Luke wakes up and feels really sick but he hides it for the boys. They go through the events of the day and notices that Luke acts weird. They ask him about it and he denies it. They keep on going normally but keeps an extra eye on Luke. It gets so bad that Luke collapses and he knows he's busted. The boys tries to make their managers let him go home but they won't allow it. Eventually they give in and Michael goes home with Luke and takes care of him.

Luke - 16
Calum and Michael - 17
Ashton - 18

Luke woke up and felt really sick. His head and stomach hurt. He felt dizzy. He hated it. He hated being sick. He was always a baby when he was sick. At least when he was with his family, but now he was with the band and he had to keep it up and ignore the pain. He wasn't planning on telling the boys. They would just.. He actually didn't knew what they would do. Tease him maybe? No ash wouldn't allow that.

Luke didn't knew if he was going to throw up or not but he decided to go to the bathroom and sit by the toilet just in case. He locked the door so one of the boys wouldn't walk in on accident just because they had to pee or something. They would have to wait.

Luke gagged and heaved sometimes but nothing happened. No vomit. No stomach acid. No saliva. Nothing. So Luke decided to stand up. He looked himself in the mirror. He looked sick.

"Maybe I can Cover this up with something?" Luke thought to himself. He found his mom's powder which she had left there a couple of months ago when she was on tour with the boys. Liz was currently on a small break. She had to go home and spend some time with Ben and Jack as well. Luke covered his face up with the powder. He didn't really know how to use this but he had seen the stylist do it on Cal, Mikey and ash before.

Luke finally got satisfied with the results and walked out resting a hand on his stomach. He tried to walk as normal as possible. Without wincing or anything. He went to the kitchen of the bus where ash had cooked some breakfast. Just the smell of food made Luke want to throw up. He gagged. Luckily no one noticed.

"Hey Luke, want some breakfast?" Ash asked and smiled as he saw Luke standing in the doorway.

"N-no thanks.. not hungry." Luke said, stuttering a bit in the first part.

"Okay, grab an apple at least then. You will need the energy." Ash responded. Luke nodded and caught the Apple ash threw at him. Luke barely ate any of the apple. He went to the lounge room/man cave and threw it in the trash can.

Luke stayed in the man cave for a while until he knew that he had waited long enough for the boys to believe that he finished the apple.

The boys drove to the interview. They had 3 of them today. One of them was with a lot of different parts. It was for buzzfeed. They had one with bbc radio 1 and one with nova. It was going to take a long time.

The ride in the car was not making it any better. Luke's stomach made awful noises as they drove.

"Woah Luke!! Is there a monster inside of you?!" Calum giggled.

"Shut up.." Luke mumbled and rested his head on the window.

"Okay okay, no need to get groggy." Michael mumbled.

"Boys." Ashton warned from the drivers seat. He pulled up at the buzzfeed studio and they walked inside.

They did a lot of fun videos. Well the 3 of them thought, but Luke wasn't feeling good at all.

"You good Luke?" Calum asked as he noticed that Luke was very quiet throughout the interview. Luke nodded.

"We should keep an eye on him." Calum thought to himself.

"Come on guys, let's go to bbc!" Ashton said and they all went to the car again. Luke felt himself get dizzy.

They pulled up at the radio station and went inside. They were greeted by the interviewer.

The interview ended up taking 20 minutes in total. Luke was feeling much worse now. He just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. The poor boy were only 16 and then his zodiac sign was cancer as well. Cancers just cry about stuff. They walked out from the studio, through the hallway. Luke felt his vision get blurry. He wobbled from side to side. He felt his knees give in after him and he collapsed onto the floor. He didn't passed out.

"Luke!!" Ashton yelled and rushed to Luke. He sat on the floor next to him. He pulled Luke onto his lap and Luke started crying.

"Hey hey hey.. shhh.." Ashton whispered and kissed his hair. "What's hurting Lukey?"

"H-head And t-tummy." Luke whimpered.

"How long have you been feeling like this?"

"S-since this morning.." Luke mumbled.

"Why didn't you told me?" Ashton asked.

"I-I-I don't know!" Luke cried out and held his stomach.

"Oh Lukey." Ashton said and kissed Luke's forehead. "You're really warm." Luke cried harder by that.

"We need to get him home ash, he's too sick to do more." Michael said.

Ashton nodded. Before Luke could say anything Calum was already on the phone. Luke listened what Calum said while crying.

"Hey Luke is really sick... no it's not, Can't he go home... I know he has one more interview but he was way too sick to be here!... the boy is fucking laying on the floor crying because he just collapsed!!!... you can't do that to him! I'll tell Liz about it and then she will kick your fucking ass!!... no I just told you he's crying! Of course he's not okay... okay okay, that's fine as long as he gets home. Ash and I can stay here. Thank you." Calum said and hung up. "Alright Lukey. You and Mikey are going home Alright? Everything will be fine."

Luke nodded weakly and Ashton scooped him up in his arms. The movement hurt Luke's small and sensitive tummy.

"O-OW!!!" Luke screamed.

"Shh Shh shh.." Ashton shushed him and kissed his forehead multiple times. Luke let out small whimpers and moans in pain.

Ashton put Luke on the passenger seat and Michael sat on the drivers seat.

The entire drive was filled with cries, moans and whimpers from Luke, and Michael trying to shush him.

Michael carried Luke to the couch and covered him up with a blanket. He let Luke get some rest.

Michael took care of Luke for the rest of the day.

Please check out my other books! Just started a new 5sos fanfic featuring Jack Hemmings!!

- Filippa

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