Luke - "dad, i dont feel good."

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Requested by @12343273smas

Luke gets sick and it gets worse.

Luke: 14
Ben: 18
Jack: 17

Luke wasn't feeling too well in the morning. "Goodbye love!" He heard his mom say before leaving the house. She was going to Darwin for the weekend. Luckily dad was home. Ben and Jack as well. Luke slowly got up. He felt warm, but cold at the same time. Dizzy, exhausted and his stomach was hurting. He slowly managed to get downstairs by the help of the walls to lean on. He went to the kitchen and saw his dad cooking. "Dad, I don't feel good." Luke said slowly. Andrew looked at him. "You look a bit pale. Sit down Luke." He said. Luke did as told and sat on one of the bar chairs.

Andrew finished cooking and went to Luke. He laid a hand on his forehead, then felt his cheeks, arms and lower back. "You're also a little warm. Ben and Jack was planning on going to the beach with you today, but you need to stay home buddy. Let's get you back to bed yeah?" Luke nodded. "D-dad?" "Yes?"
"Can you carry me?" Luke said shyly, feeling bad for asking. Andrew giggled "of course son, come here." He said and grabbed Luke by the armpits. He pulled him up from the chair. Andrew had one arm around Luke's chest and one arm under his bum to hold him in place. Luke rested his head on his dad's shoulder. Luke felt his dad's breath in his neck. Somehow it calmed him. Andrew stopped in the hallway. "Do you wanna sleep in mom's and my bedroom or your own?"
Andrew nodded and carried Luke to the biggest bedroom. They had the biggest bed as well because it was a double. He laid the boy on his mom's side of the bed. He rubbed his son's cheek and smiled softly before going to the door. "Nigh night Lukey, I love you."
"I love you too dad."
Andrew smiled before leaving the bedroom and go back to the kitchen.

Ben woke up to Luke crying. He was slightly annoyed by it. Luke new Ben had had troubles falling asleep last night and all he wanted was sleep. He didn't felt like doing much himself so he texted his dad, hoping that he would deal with it.

To: Dad
From: Ben

Luke is crying... please do something?

It didn't took long for Andrew to respond.

To: Ben
From: Dad

I'm sorry. I will check up on him. He's a little sick. Did he woke you?

To: Dad
From: Ben

Yeah, he did. Hope he feel better soon :)

To: Ben
From: Dad

Me too. Get some more sleep, I will deal with this.

The result ended just as Ben wanted except one thing... Luke was sick.. Ben hated seeing his brothers in pain. As eldest he had a protective heart and soul. Ben once got expelled from school because he beat a student who was bullying Jack. That says a lot about what kind of brother Ben is.

Ben had told his dad to deal with so he figured out that their dad got it. He didn't had to worry so he went back to sleep again, thinking that maybe he would go see Luke later.

Andrew went to the bedroom where Luke was laying crying with his arms around his stomach. Andrew pulled a chair over next to the bed and sat on it. He grabbed his son's sweaty hand gently. "Lukey.." he sighed. "You got it pretty bad huh?"
Luke nodded and cried. Andrew stood up and sat on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers through Luke's soft, blond hair. He grabbed his phone and texted Jack.

To: Jack
From: Dad

Are you awake?

To: Dad
From: Jack

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