Luke - if you don't swim, you'll drown

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No one knows that Luke can't swim. Except for his family ofc. When all the boys are in his pool he almost drowns.

Here you guys go
Luke - 14
Michael and Calum - 15
Ashton - 16
Jack - 17

It was a warm summer day in Australia and the boys were hanging out at Luke's house.
"Can't we go swimming?" Michael asked.
"Count me in!" Calum said.
"Uhm.. I thought we should.. practice?" Luke said insecurely. He never told them that he couldn't swim.
"Seriously Luke? I can't hit those drums in this heat. I'll pass out." Ashton said.
"Please Lukey.." Michael begged and made puppy eyes.
Luke sighed nervously.
"O-okay." He said.

All of the boys ran home to themselves to find their swim stuff. They didn't lived far from each other so the boys told Luke that they would be back in 10 minutes.

Michael splashed water at Luke, who was still on the edge of the pool. Ashton tackled Michael and Calum came outside.
"Let's swim!" He yelled and pushed Luke into the pool.

Luke coughed violently as he swallowed a wave of water. He twisted around in the water and kicked in all directions.

Jack woke up to boys screaming outside. "LUKE!!!!" The panicked voiced sound. Jack furrowed his eyebrows and went to the window to see 4 boys in the pool. One of them panicking and kicking and 3 of them trying to help but getting kicked away all the time.
"Luke?!" Jack thought to himself and sprinted downstairs.

Jack jumped into the pool not caring about his clothes getting wet. He lifted Luke up in a bridal style and placed him on the edge of the pool. The boy wasn't breathing.

Jack started performing cpr. 30 pushes and then 2 blows.
"Come on Luke." He mumbled.
He continued cpr for 2 minutes before Luke finally coughed up a lot of water and gasped for his breath.
"Luke!" Jack gasped and wrapped a towel around him. Luke was shaking and his lips were blue. Jack stroke his wet hair.

"Luke, oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't meant To i swear! I didn't knew you can't swim!" Calum rushed not being able to catch his breath.
"It's alright." Luke interrupted. "It's okay..." and with that Luke fell asleep. He was exhausted.

"Boys I think you should go home." Jack said and carried Luke into the living room and laid him on the couch.

Both of their parents had night work this night and Ben were out with his friends.

Jack didn't slept that night. He stayed right beside Luke and kept an eye on him to make sure he was alright.

Remember to;
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- Filippa

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