Ashton - strep throat, stomach flu and hospital

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Requested by @Niallisababe2010

all the boys get strep throats. they all get sick at different times but Ashton gets sick last and ends up with the stomach flu and strep throat and the boys don't believe him and he ends up passing out and ends up in hospital.


Luke: 17

Calum: 18

Michael: 18

Ashton: 19

Michael had had a strep throat a while. All the boys took care of him. Then Luke got it as well. Michael recovered while Calum and Ashton took care of Luke and him self. Then Luke passed it to Calum. Only Ashton was left to take care of all the boys. He gave cuddles when they needed it. He made them tea and he tucked them to sleep. Ashton had so much on his mind. Michael should have been recovered by then but it seems like he wanted to make sure he didn't had any sickness left before he would leave the house.

Ashton groaned a bit as he woke up with a sore throat that morning. He laid in bed starring at the ceiling.

"Ashy?" Luke whimpered from the door. Ashton looked over at the younger boy. His hair was ruffled and he didn't seem like he had much sleep.

"What's wrong Luke?"

"I can't sleep.."

Ashton smiled and patted the bed. He felt pretty bad him self but he would at no time place his own needs in front of his younger bandmates. He was the oldest after all. Luke came over and climbed into the bed. Ashton let Luke relax his head on his shoulder.

"Are your throat still burning?" Ashton asked, trying not to sound hoarse.

Luke nodded.

"A little."

Ashton pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"I'm going to make you all some breakfast." Ashton said and got up from the bed. He put some soft music on his speakers, hoping it would help Luke fall asleep. He then headed downstairs and started cooking some breakfast. He scooped a couple of spoonfuls onto each plate and brought one to each of the boys room. He then made himself a cup of tea and laid on the coach where he dozed off to sleep.

When Ashton woke up, he had a churning stomach as well. He groaned. God thing was that no one was calling for him this time, so he allowed himself to watch some tv. Then all the boys dragged themself downstairs.

"We have no more ice cream..." Calum said. "Can you get some?"

"Okay first of all. You shouldn't eat ice cream right now. Second of all, I am getting sick too. I can't spend all my time on buying you three ice cream, I need to allow my body to relax for once." Ashton said.

"You can't be sick. That's not okay. You can't just throw the towel in the ring now." Michael protested.

"Michael, you should have been recovered by now. You were the first one to get sick. If you want ice cream, you can go get it. You should stop hiding in your room."

"You weren't sick this morning..." Luke said slowly.

"I actually was Lukey, I just didn't wanted you to worry." Ashton smiled softly at the boy.

"So you don't trust me enough to tell me when you don't feel well? well thank you!" Luke stormed out of the livingroom.

"Well done Ashton." Calum said and went upstairs as well.

"Unbelievable." Michael said before he left too. Ashton sighed.

an hour later, Ashton was heaving over the toilet, bring up everything he had eaten within the last 24 hours. Sweat was dripping from his hair and he wiped it away with some toilet paper. When he was sure that he was done for now, he stood up and flushed the toilet. He hadn't seen any of the boys since their fight. He knew that Luke was the one who got saddest though.

Therefore, he knocked on his door.

"Go away.." The sad voice spoke. Ashton ignored it and pushed the door open anyways. He walked in and revealed Luke on the bed, facing away from him.

"I'm so sorry Lukey. I didn't meant it like that." Ashton said. 

"Yes you did. You said it so you might as well mean it. Else you wouldn't say it."

Ashton sighed. "It's not that you aren't old enough. It's not that I don't trust you. I was just that you had a strep throat yourself and I didn't wanted you to worry about me at the same time."

Luke huffed and pulled his blanket over his head. Ashton sighed and walked out.

"I'm sorry." He mumbled before closing the door. He headed downstairs. He suddenly felt very dizzy and his knees wobbled under him. He leant against the wall.

"Just 7 steps more.." He thought and tried to walk again, but was immediately interrupted by darkness taking over and he fell the last 7 steps of the stairs.

Luke who had heard the loud noises and the bang, Immediately removed the blanket from his head and became concerned.

"Ashy?" He called out. No response.

"Ashton?!" He called out again, getting out of bed. He rushed outside and saw Ashton by the bottom of the staircase.

"ASHTON!!!" He screamed. "MIKEY!! CALUM!! HELP!!"

Luke was crying, but he ran down the stairs and tried to shake Ashtons body. His arm was the complete wrong way. Michael and Calum came rushing down and saw Ashton as well. Calum quickly called an ambulance and Michael tried to calm Luke.

When Ashton was loaded into the ambulance, the paramedics asked if anyone was driving with them, but Calum said that they would rive together in his car.

When the boys arrived to the hospital, Ashton was already in. The boys got to stay in the waiting area and wait. They all had a massive amount of guilt feeling. Calum seemed stressed. He didn't had space in his head to think about anything else and Lukes loud cries didn't make it better. Michael was luckily trying to reduce the cries to at least sobs.

"Family for Ashton Irwin?" A doctor spoke, making the three boys jump up and rush over. "You can see him. Follow me." 

The boys followed the doctor to a room where Ashton was laying with a bandaid on his hand and his arm in a red cast.

"That one is on us.." The three boys spoke in sync.

"Oh shut up and come give me a hug." Ashton grinned and held out his arms. 

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