Muke - fall

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Requested by @angelbaby198

Michael and Luke falls. Luke breaks his arm and Michael breaks his ankle. Ashton and Calum help them

All the guys are brothers in this one. Here's the ages;
Luke: 14
Michael: 15
Calum: 18
Ashton: 21

Luke and Michael were close. As in extremely close. They did everything together. As well as competing against each other.

"I'm going to win!!" Michael shouted as he ran down the stairs. Luke following closely behind.
"No way!" Luke yelled.
"Boys watch out!" Calum yelled from the kitchen. But Michael and Luke didn't care.

Luke tripped, fell into Michael so Michael fell as well, and they both ended up on the floor at the end of the stairs. Luke's arm was twisted in some weird direction and he screamed loudly and cried. Michael felt a sharp pain through his ankle but for now he had to be strong and help Luke. Michael had to be the big spoon.

Ashton heard Luke's screams and Michaels begs for him to tell him what hurt.
"Calum!!" Ashton yelled and sprinted to the stairs. Calum rushed with him. Ashton saw the pain written in both of their faces.
"Calum you help Michael, I'll do Luke." Ashton said and sat next to the screaming and crying boy. Calum sat next to Michael.
"Mikey what hurts?" Calum asked.
"H-have to h-help Lukey."
"No Michael you have to tell me what hurts."
"A-ankle." Michael said.

While Calum helped Michael Ashton pulled Luke into his lap making the boy scream as the movement hurt his arm.
"Shhhh..." Ashton shushed soothingly and stroke Luke's hair. Ashton kissed Luke's forehead and then the tip of his nose.
"Cal, Luke needs an ambulance. What about Michael?"
Calum nodded.
"I think Michael needs one too." Calum said.

So Calum called the ambulance and they arrived within 10 minutes. There was 4 paramedics and 2 ambulances.

2 paramedics ran to Luke and 2 to Michael. Michael knew Luke was afraid so he grabbed his hand to support him. Luke noticed Michael grabbing his hand but he was in too much pain to smile to him or anything. 2 paramedics kneel down next to Luke.
"Hey buddy. We will help you Alright? Nothing to be scared of." One of them said but Luke was bawling so hard he couldn't do anything else.
Michael was more calm when the paramedics spoke to him. Both of them got loaded into each their ambulance. Ashton riding with Luke and Calum riding with Michael.

After both of the boys had their x rays they got their casts. Luke got a blue one and Michael got a green. In the end of the day, Luke and Michael laid in the same hospital bed, knocked out from the painkillers. They looked cute as they cuddled in the bed, so Calum snapped a picture of the two of them.

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