Ashton - siblings

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Ashton gets sick and Lauren and Harry are the only ones home, so they take care of him.


Ashton had woken up at 4 am not feeling very well. He was sweaty and felt way too warm, so he pushed his blankets off. Then he felt cold and pulled the blanket back over him. Then he was warm again. Then cold. Then warm. All that kept on going for a couple minutes until he found out that he just could keep it half on and half off. In some way, he managed to fall back to sleep.

He woke up to Lauren whispering his name. "Ashton?" She whispered softly and gently shook his shoulder. Ashton groaned in pain from his stomach and rolled on his other side. He felt Lauren sit beside him. "Ashy?" She asked and played with his light brown curls. Ashton whimpered and held a hand on his stomach. She laid next to him and gently pulled his hand away from his stomach. She then brought her own hand to the spot instead and rubbed soft circles making Ashton relax a bit.

"I don't feel good." Ashton whimpered. "I know. You look a bit pale as well."

Lauren stood up again. "Noooo Lauren stayyyy.." Ashton whined. Lauren bent over and ran her fingers through his hair. "Shhh ashy. I'm just gonna get some supplies. I'll be back. Relax." She said and left. Ashton whimpered as the love from his sister disappeared.

Lauren came back into the room seeing her older brother sobbing out and having tears down his cheeks. In her hands she hand a thermometer, a water bottle, a wet cloth, a bucket, and a whole box of medicine not knowing what to use for him.

She rushed over to her crying brother and placed the stuff on the floor. She then laid by his side again. "Shhh..." she soothed and rubbed his stomach. "You got it pretty bad huh?" She rubbed his back as he sobbed. "Can you roll over for me?" She asked and he did. "Where's Harry?" Ashton sobbed. "He's sleeping." She answered and grabbed Ashton's biceps. "You gotta try sit up for me." She said and pulled him up slowly. Ashton leaned his back against the wall and sobbed.

Lauren took the thermometer from the ground and came closer. "I'm gonna take your temperature okay?" He nodded and she inserted the thermometer into his ear. He whimpered and Lauren shushed him. She soon pulled out. "You're on 102.2" she said and put the thermometer down again.

Lauren made Ashton swallow a couple of pills before she made him lay down. She laid the wet cloth on Ashton's forehead and kissed his cheek. She grabbed her phone and found their mom in her contacts. She called her and kept sitting with Ashton while talking.

"Hi mom.. Ashton is not feeling very well.. he's on 102.2... no I got it, I just thought you should know... we are gonna be fine... will do. Bye." She hung up and saw that the sick brother was asleep. She smiled and kissed his cheek again before leaving.

She went to the kitchen to made some breakfast for her younger brother. 20 minutes later Harry came downstairs. "Lauren?" He asked. "Yes?" "Why's Ashton throwing up?" He asked. "Shit!" Lauren yelled, immediately stopping cooking. She ran upstairs to Ashton's room finding him throwing up into the bucket. He had tears down his cheeks. She rushed to his side rubbing his back.  After some minutes he stopped and leaned into Lauren. She rubbed his arm  while reading the package of the pills. She kissed his boiling forehead. "Ashy you have thrown up the medicine." Ashton sobbed. "I need to do something okay? And I know you won't be happy about it I'm sorry." She said. Ashton looked confused. Lauren looked in the medicine box and found a fever reducer shot. Ashton immediately moved away due to his needle phobia. Lauren put the shot on his bed and grabbed his face gently making him face her. "Ashton, here. Eyes on me. I'm so sorry I have to do this, but it's gonna help you get better." She explained. "Harry." Ashton whispered. "He needs to get ready for school Ashy." She said. "Come on. Lay on your side ash." She said and Ashton laid down. Lauren pulled his boxers a tiny bit down to expose his hip. She cleaned the spot and she felt her brother getting more and more scared every second. She uncapped the syringe. She felt that Ashton muscles were all tensed. She laid her hand on his waist and he immediately flinched at the touch. "Ashton, shhhh, calm down." She cooed which made a tear slip down his cheek.

"Okay here we go." Lauren thought. She placed her hand on Ashton's hip. Luckily she had seen her mom do this before. Unluckily, this was a quite big needle and it was gonna hurt for sure. She squeezed the flesh softly and gently inserted the needle into his flesh. Ashton immediately cried out and reached down for Lauren to take the needle out. She let go of the flesh but kept the needle in. She grabbed his hand and cooed him before continuing. She pushed the plunge in slowly, Ashton cried harder every second. She finally took the needle out and rubbed his irritated skin. She pulled his boxers back up and throwing the shot out. She laid down next to her brother and pulled him into her. She let him cuddle into her while she rubbed the sore spot.

It took a couple of days before Ashton was back to his happy self. Lauren and Harry had changed his sheets because of vomit on them. Rinsed the bucket multiple times and giving their brother lots of cuddles.

Hey guys. I'm gonna be 2 more of these sibling sickfics. One with Luke, Ben and Jack and one with Calum and Mali.

Remember to;

I'll see you guys soon
- Filippa

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