Luke - the pin

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First of all thanks for 3000 reads! I love you all! Second of all; I don't know if pin is the right word in here. It's like a pretty short needle but also kinda thick. You can use it to hang papers on a board or something. Idk if it's right I just call it a pin. Also! Check out my other stories as well!

Luke falls in school and he falls onto a pin so it's digging into his leg and he's afraid of getting it pulled out, so the school nurse brings him to the hospital so they can do it.

Luke: 14
Jack: 17

Luke sat on his seat in English waiting for his name to get called so he could get his essay back.
"Luke?" His teacher called out. Luke stood up and made his way to her table. Students had their bags on the floor and unfortunately, Luke tripped over one and fell onto the floor. Luke let out a scream when he felt a pain in his leg. He didn't knew what it was but he cried out. When Luke looked down he saw a pin in his leg. He had landed on it so now it was digging into his leg. Luke got so scared of the sight he just cried harder. His teacher ran to him and lifted him up.
"What happened?" She asked. Luke didn't answer but just looked at his leg. The teacher bent down to his leg to take a look.
"N-no n-no please d-don't." Luke cried in fear.
"Don't worry Luke. I'm not doing anything." She spoke.
"Let's go see the nurse alright?" She continued. Luke nodded and she helped him walking. "I'll be back soon class, you can just talk for a little." She said and then walked with the crying boy to the nurse office.

"Oh hi Luke, what's wrong?" The nurse asked. Luke cried and pointed at his leg. "Oh. Let's look at that right." Luke nodded and the nurse helped him onto a bed. She sat by his leg. "Okay so let's get that pin out." Luke cried harder from fear and pushed her hand away. "Luke hey... shhh.. it won't hurt, it'll be over quickly." The nurse spoke, which made Luke even more scared. "I want Jack!" He cried.
"Sweetie he's in cla-"
"I WANT JACK!" Luke screamed, bawling so hard.
"Okay okay sweetheart." She finally gave up and stepped away from Luke making him calm down a little.

"Jack Hemmings please come to the nurse's office. I repeat. Jack Hemmings please come to the nurse's office."
Jacks teacher furrowed his eyebrows when he heard what was just said over the intercom. Jack sat on his seat looking around at everyone's reactions.
"Hemmings?" The teacher asked making Jack nod. "Shouldn't you be at the nurse's office?"
"Yes sir but I-"
"Someone is waiting for you Jack. Go."
Jack shut his mouth, nodded and headed to the nurse's office.

The school had rules. One rule was; no running. But when Jack heard his brother screaming and crying he broke that rule and ran the last part down the hallway. He ran into the nurse office and immediately looked to his left seeing his little brother laying there with a thick needle in his leg.
"What happened??" He asked as he held Luke tightly.
"Luke fell onto a pin in class and now it's stuck in his leg. He's scared of getting it removed so i think you should take him to the hospital." The nurse spoke. Jack nodded and held Luke's hand.
"Hey bub, it's alright. I'm here." Jack cooed.

Jack picked his little brother up in bridal style and carried him to the car.

Jack put Luke on the examination bed as soon as they stepped into the surgery room. The surgeon came in shortly after.
"Hi Luke, who did you bring today?" She asked in a friendly tone so Luke wouldn't get scared.
"B-brother." Luke said and clutched Jacks hand. The surgeon smiled and sat down on a chair. She laid her hand on Luke's left knee which wasn't injured.
"So what I will do is grabbing the pin, pulling it out, clean the wound and then put a cotton ball and a bandaid over. Sounds cool?"
Jack nodded but Luke broke down sobbing in fear. Jack hugged him and reassured him that everything would be alright.

Jack held Luke's hands with one of his and laid his other hand over his brothers eyes so he couldn't see what what going on. The pin slid out easily but it created a hell of a pain for the little 14 year old who screamed out. Jack felt his hand get went from Luke's tears. Jack took his hands away from Luke's eyes so he could wipe his tears. Luke took that as a chance to look at the wound. He cried harder when he saw the blood streaming down his legs. Jack quickly covered Luke's eyes again.

The doctor sprinkled some liquid on the wound. Not just water. It was some kind of cleaning liquid and it stung a lot. Luke cried and screamed just wanting this to be over.

Lastly the doctor pressed a cotton ball against the wound and covered up with a bandaid and Jack finally took his hand away from Luke's eyes.

And Luke? He was just happy the pain was gone.


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the hemmings family is the best am I right?
- Filippa

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