Calum - sister

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Calum gets sick but his mom can't get off work so Mali have to take care of him instead.

Important authors note in the end!

Calum: 15
Mali: 20

Calum went out of bed and headed downstairs to a smell of pancakes. His mom had cooked him some before she left for work and as soon as he finished he said goodbye to his older sister and went out of the door to get to school.

He was currently in chemistry when he didn't felt very well. His stomach were doing flips and he laid his head on the table. After a couple of seconds he sat straight again.

Out of all sudden he felt the urge to throw up and before he could even raise his hand, he puked all over the table and his front.

Michael, calums best friend, who was sitting beside him immediately raised his hand and said without permission "Sir, Calum got sick all over the table and his books and himself!"

He earned a couple 'ewwww's from the class. The teacher frowned. "Alright Michael take Calum to the school nurse and tell the cleaner to clean this mess up." He said. "Yes sir." Michael grabbed Calums school bag and helped him up from the chair.

Michael brought calum to the nurse office where he knocked on the door. It opened and the nurse came to vision. Michael, who was supporting Calum with both of his hands explained the situation.

The nurse let them in and told Calum to lay on the sickbed. "So have you told the cleaner to clean up?" Michael nodded. "Calum how are you feeling now?" The nurse asked. "Awful." Calum whimpered. "I'm gonna call your parents." The nurse said and grabbed her phone.

J - joy. N - nurse

J: Joy Hood?
N: Hello it's the nurse from calums school. I'm calling because Calum doesn't feel very well. He puked onto the table and down his front.
J: oh dear! Is he alright? Where is he now?
N: he is laying on the sickbed in my office and his best friend is sitting next to him to comfort him but he should really go home. Can you get off work?
J: no sadly not. We are very busy today. My boss would never allow it.
N: is there anyone else I can talk to?
J: yes, his sister. Michael have her phone number.
N: okay, thank you mrs Hood.
J: no problem.

The nurse asked Michael for Calums sisters number and Michael gave it to her. The nurse called again.

M - Mali. N - nurse.

M - hello?
N - hello, am I speaking to Mali Hood?
M - yes.
N - hi, I'm the nurse at your brothers school and Calum is not feeling to good today. He just puked so now he is in my office. I called your mom and she told me that you could pick him up and look after him.
M - yes of course! I'll be there in 30!
N - thank you

She hung up and turned to Michael and Calum again. "Calum your sister will be here soon." She said and Calum exhaled weakly.

Mali rushed in after 25 minutes. She was immediately by Calums side where she pulled him into a hug. "Aw Cal-Pal..  let's get you home yeah?" Calum nodded weakly. Mali picked him up from the bed and thanked the nurse and Michael for the help and then carried Calum to the car.

Calum luckily made it to the house without puking but just the second he stepped out of the car, he puked. He puked on the grass and let out a small cry as he finished. Mali rubbed his back. She laid her hand on his forehead but he had no fever. He just didn't felt too good.

Mali carried her little brother the last way inside and laid him on the couch. She placed a bucket next to him and then sat on a chair by his head. She ran her fingers through his hair.

Suddenly he started gagging and he sat up leaning over the bucket, which Mali held under his chin. Nothing came out. He was completely empty.

Mali placed the bucket on the floor again and went to the kitchen.

She came back with some sprite for Calum because that would make his poor stomach better.

Calum slept and threw up for some hours but the next day he was okay again.

So I have a couple of ideas but I don't know which I should do next.

1) Luke - breaks his leg (rides a bike and falls)

2) Ashton - diarrhea (title says everything)

3) Michael - (give ideas)

4) luke - homesick (misses his family while being on tour)

5) Michael - Fire (based on the 'michael burnt on stage' accident)

6) Ashton - appendicitis

Vote in the comments!!
- Filippa

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