Ashton - Dyslexia

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Ashton has dyslexia and gets bullied at school but the boys stands up for him.


Luke - 14

Calum - 15

Michael - 15

Ashton - 16

"Ashton?" The teacher asked making Ashton look up from his book. He had just zoned out in class and he wasn't actually sure where they were in the text. "Can you read the next chapter?"

Ashton knew that the chapters were short. Not even 3 pages long but that didn't help him much right now.

"U-Uhm yeah.. Sorry, where are we?" Ashton stuttered making the class giggle.

"Quiet!" The teacher yelled. "Chapter 5 Ashton."

Ashton nodded quietly and found the page he was supposed to be on.

"The american presidont is called Dunald Thumb.." Ashton started out making the class laugh out loudly. He looked confusedly around. Of the guys, the jerk of the class, was pretending to die of laughter as he rolled around on the floor clutching his stomach. Ashton looked at the teacher. She was moving her lips but Ashton couldn't hear her. He actually couldn't hear the laughter anymore either. He teared up, grabbed his back and his backpack before he rushed out of the class.

The hallways was empty. Everyone was meant to be in class. Ashton tried to calm himself. He sat on a table and wiped his tears away with the back of his hand. Then he heard laughter down the hallway. He prayed to god that it wasn't his classmates. Luckily three other students was revealed and they wasn't even wearing the uniform of the school. They was wearing another one, making Ashton remember that some students from Norwest high school was meant to be there that day, to see how a day on Richmond was.

"Hey, are you okay?" One, a blonde one asked.

"I'm fine.." Ashton said and sniffled.

"You don't look fine." Another blonde stated, but this one was taller. Ashton shrugged. Why should he even trust three students from Norwest? The boys shrugged it off, smiled friendly to Ashton and started walking again.

Ashton sat on the table until all the students had a break from class. The jerk from earlier plus some of his friends walked to him, grabbed his shirt and forced him off the table. He pushed Ashton against the wall instead.

"Dunald Thumb huh?" He chuckled. "Spelling idiot!"

He kicked Ashton in his stomach and slapped across his head making a stinging pain rip through his skin.

"Hey Dickhead!" A loud voice yelled from the end of the hallway and everyone was silent. When the jerk turned around, Ashton could see who was there. It was the tall, blonde guy from Norwest.

"Should I tell everyone how you play ballet in your sparetime or what?" Michael, the blonde spoke. The students giggled.

"That's not even true!" The jerk said, trying to defending himself.

"Oh really? How did you then become mommy's little princess?" Michael smirked, enjoying the situation. "Look why don't you just be the princess you are and leave that nice guy to himself."

The jerk huffed but left anyways. Michael had won and the jerk knew that. Michael walked over to Ashton who was now sitting against the wall with his arms wrapped around his stomach.

"You okay there?" Michael asked and knelt down. Ashton nodded.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Michael smiled. He pulled Ashtons hands away from his stomach and lifted his shirt to reveal his already bruising stomach.

"Oof that must hurt." Michael said and then looked at Ashtons cheek which had a red shape of a hand on it. "Come on man, lets get you something for that."

Michael helped Ashton up from the ground and they then walked with him.

"Where are we going?" Ashton asked.

"To my friends house. We will find you an ice pack when we get there." Michael smiled.

"But I don't have a sick pass." Ashton said sadly.

"Fuck that. We will go anyways. We do what we want, we're punk rock." Michael grinned, lighting up Ashtons mood as they walked out of the school. The distance to Lukes house wasn't long and it didn't took long to get there. On the way Ashton and Michael chatted and got to know each other.

Michael opened the door to Lukes house as he knew that Luke and Calum was already home and he was allowed to walk in. He took a couple of ice packs from the freezer, held one to Ashtons stomach and one to his cheek.

"Who's that?" Calum asked.

"The kid from Richmond, his name is Ashton." Michael smiled.

Who knew that these boys later started a band together. Well, actually the band was already formed. Ashton was just added.

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