Michael - broken arm

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Requested by @angelbaby198

Michael falls and breaks his arm and the others are like brothers. And he gets a pink cast.

Here you go!

It was 9am and Ashton was cooking in the kitchen. He was the only one up yet but he was planning on making pancakes for the other boys. He felt arms wrap around his waist. He turned around to see Luke leaning tiredly against him. "Good morning." I chuckled and kissed his forehead. Luke mumbled in response and went away again.

Shortly after Calum came down, obviously in a happy morning mood. "Morning ash!" He said happily. "Morning Cal, where's Mikey?" Ash responded.
"He is still sleeping I think. Where's Luke?"
"Living room."
"K thanks."
Ashton smiled as Calum went to the living room as well.

About 30 minutes later, Ashton heard a loud bang followed by a loud scream.
"Oooooowwwww!!!!!" He heard Michael scream. Ashton ran to him and saw Michaels crying frame laying in the bottom of the stairs.
"Mikey?! What happened?!" Ash said worriedly and rushed to his side.
"What hurts?" He asked as calm as possible.
"MY ARM OW!!" He screamed. Ash was worried and he knew he had to do something.
"CALUM! LUKE!! CALL A FUCKING AMBULANCE!!" He screamed. Both boys came running into the room. Luke immediately grabbed his phone to call an ambulance. Calum sat next to Michael and rubbed his leg being careful of his arm.
"The ambulance is on the way." Luke said as he sat by them. All of the boys tried the best to comfort Michael. Michael honestly saw them all as brothers. They were so loving, caring and helpful.

The ambulance soon arrived and they got Michael onto a stretcher without moving his arm too much. They managed to make all the guys fit in the ambulance. Normally they didn't did that but the boys begged them. Ashton and Calum sat in the front of the ambulance together with the driver and Luke sat in the back with Michael.

They arrived to the hospital and brought Michael straight to the x rays. Michael screamed out when the nurses placed his arm in the right position.
"I'm so sorry. Hold on just a little longer." She spoke and smiled sympathetically. She quickly took the pictures and Michael was brought back to a room with a doctor.

"So your arm is broken so we will just put a cast on it." The doctor spoke.
"What about the guitar playing?" Michael asked and tear up.
"What do you mean buddy?"
"We are a band and Michael plays the guitar." Calum said.
"Oh, well I'm sorry but that might have to wait for 4 weeks." The doctor said. Michael wasn't happy about it but he couldn't do anything but accept it.
"Can I have a pick cast?" He asked shyly.
"Ofc!" The doctor smiled. And prepared the stuff for the cast. He quickly made the cast and Michael smiled and thought that in his opinion he actually looked a bit more punk rock with a broken arm.

The boys went home and cuddles the rest of the day.

That's it.

Remember to;
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Love ya all
- Filippa

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