(H) When the DRV3 boys realise they have a crush

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-o h.
-o h n o.
-naturally, he stays calm and confesses to you in a normal way.
-it's a lie.
-no, he gets Maki to kidnap you and take you to the school roof (cuz of course you wouldn't go anywhere alone with Ouma willingly).
-he confessed using cringy pickup lines
-at first you think he's joking.
-half of you wants to say yes anyway.
-half of you is too scared to say no.

-he doesn't understand why he overheats whenever he's near you??
-he asks Kokichi.
-b I g mistake.
-ouma simply tells Kiibo to just stalk you.
-he knows better, calls Kokichi out on his BS and asks Kaede.
-she tells him to speak from the heart.
-t r i g g e r e d
-he asks you to meet him by the courtyard.
-starts crashing.
-eventually stutters the words out
-calms down once you say you like him back
-the sigh of relief is audible

Shuichi Saihara-
-n o
-this poor boi avoids you at all costs.
-Rantaro gets sick of this guy's BS.
-So Rantaro took Saihara's hat and placed it on your head while sleeping (he bribed Ouma with panta to pick your lock).
-this leads to you two meeting up to return the hat after the morning announcements.
-shuichi accidentally stated his feelings.
-panic intensifies.
-he instantly tackle-hugs you the second you agree to go out with him.
-protect the emo bean.

-instantly panics.
-gets depressed. Like seriously depressed.
-his only reason to live is out of his league.
-and so
-you have to confess to him.
-surprise is obvious.
-lots of hugs.
-lots of crying.
-poor dude.

Rantaro Amami-
-plays it cool.
-asks you over text.
-probably the most normal on the list.

-the man has a plan.
-he asks to meet you in his lab.
-you're expecting to die, and would easily take a quick stabbing with a katana over a painful af punishment.
-instead, he tells you a romantic folklore.
-and asks you out...
-...by creating a myriad of riddles, and when the answers are combined, he created the words 'Will you go out with me?'
-needless to say you said yes.

-'I love you to the moon and back'
-'really, Kaito?'
-'aren't you starstruck over me?'
-'if I agree to go out with you, will you stop it with the puns?'
-'I'll take you out to anywhere in the galaxy.'
-'for God's sake, Kaito.'

-being the naive bab that he is...
-he tells you, but doesn't.
-'Y/N, why does heart hurt whenever near you?'

((I hope you enjoyed my terribleness!))

((Word count - 451))

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