(O/S) Kokichi x Himiko

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Requested by @hai______. Hope you enjoy! No killing game AU.
Fic title: Magic Leads Performance.

Kokichi's POV

"Was this your card?" Himiko remarked so smugly that it barely even sounded like a question.
I gave the card she'd flashed in my face a quick glance over. The six of clubs.
I shook my head and pouted slightly. "Nope."
"Dammit." She cursed under her breath, puffing her cheeks and throwing her cards out in front of her onto her bed like a frustrated toddler. "My MP must be really down."
"Eh, don't worry about it. Even I couldn't build Rome in a day and, hey, I'm me."
"I know, Oma, but it's just..." she gave a long sigh. "...Hope's Peak accepts only the best Ultimates. Why'd they pick a mage who can't even cast the most basic of spells?"
"Hey, don't talk like that!" I interjected sternly, taking her by the shoulders. "Do you have any other magic tricks here?"
"Aha! I'll definitely have something else to show you" She said in her usual monotone voice.
"Then show me!" I exclaimed excitedly. Himiko had always been a great friend ever since my first day at Hope's Peak, and the last thing I wanted was for her to screw up the talent show that the school had planned.
She was the first person who ever actually gave me a chance.
The first person to like me.
"Hey, Himiko." I commented as she took a large black top hat from one of her cupboards. "If you nail this next trick, I'll tell you a huge secret."
She frowned slightly before nodding. "Okay!" She chirped, leaping into the air as her hat flew off of her head. She clutched the black cap and presented it to me as empty.
"Okay. Let me show you my next trick - the appearing bunny rabbit!"

Himiko's POV

I sucked in a very deep breath and took my wand, tapping it on the cap three times in an attempt to summon my magic. I felt the aura consume me, a cool purple aura, and waiting for a squeaking Monomi to hop out of the hat as planned.
I squeezed my eyes closed in attempts to focus only to open them and find Kokichi petting the pin and white rabbit as she squirmed profusely to get out of his grip.
"Yes!" I cheered, waving my mage's cap around with happiness. "The Amazing Himiko has done it again!"
"Nice!" Kokichi smirked, dragging out the word. "But I think you missed something. May I?" He asked, reaching for my hat.
I gave a small nod, blushing from his sudden closeness, and he plucked my mage's hat off of my head.
He rooted around inside of it, a slightly thoughtful frown on his face, before he pulled out a card. Confusion and romantic apprehension stirred within me, since he was still very close to me.
He flashed the card in my face.
The one of hearts.
"Eh? What's that mean?"
"One is the letter I in Roman numerals. The heart represents love. I look who I'm giving it to." He held it out for me to take.
Wait, what?
Internally flustered, I took it with shaky hands.
"So..." Kokichi said leaning in, "I love you!" He booped me on the nose.
He pecked me on the cheek with a smirk on his face. When I stood there frozen for a few seconds, he pouted.
"Do you not return my feelings?"
Within a second I'd tackled him and kissed him, hugging him and smiling slightly.
"Will you do the honour of becoming my assistant?" I asked.
"Hm... I think we could make a pretty good pair of rulers." He remarked at the same time, and we both laughed at our awkwardness.
"We could perform together!"
"And rule together!"
"Let's do it!"
"Hell yeah!"

-Timeskip to the talent show-

Narrator's POV

Himiko and Kokichi's performance was loved to pieces by the audience, and they even had Tenko cheering despite her dislike for degenerate males, and by extension Kokichi.
When the awards were handed out they got second place, only beaten by Maizano, Ibuki and Leon who performed a music medley as a trio. (A/N: will probably write a poly fic with those three doing the talent show. Maybe a songfic? Idk. Back to the story...)
The duo shared a loving kiss, which was cheered for, and the duo soon started to perform more often together.
The duo's name?
Magic Leads Performance.

Word count - 751.

Sorry that this was so short ;-;

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