(O/S) Cheater! Rantaro x Reader x Shuichi

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Requested by @shuichisan. Enjoy!
T/Ws: angst (probably), Rantaro being a dick, mild swearing, Shuichi being too pure for human eyes.
Fic title: Reap What You Sow.


Rantaro Amami certainly seemed interesting at first.
We'd met on the first day of school where we went to Hope's Peak Academy for the first time. He hung around the library at lunch, and I'd watch him. It became our unspoken thing.
We actually didn't properly meet, nor speak, until a few weeks in.
When I learned his name I noticed how it rolled off the tongue. 'Rantaro Amami'.
People were hardly surprised when we started dating.
We had a new thing - every week we'd alternate between picking locations for dates. He first took me to an amusement park where we ate bagels as the sky was speckled with stars, only for me to take him out to the cinema a week later.
Then I found out about Kaede.
Needless to say we broke it off pretty quickly after that.
There was a lot of yelling mostly from him about how I shouldn't have been looking through his phone, which is justified but not worth what happened next.
He hit me.
Granted, it was only a light slap, but it was enough for me to storm home in tears and delete his contact. It was enough to tell me, "You're a piece of shit."
So that was that.

I sat on the couch with a tub of ice-cream freezing my lap as my favourite movie played in the background. It'd been a week and I still felt like human garbage.
I scoffed another spoonful. F/f (favourite flavour). It tasted good.
"Hey, your parents let me in." Said a voice. I recognised it relatively fast.
"Oh, hey Shuichi." I said, turning to him and smiling. "Want a bite? We have more spoons."
"Sure, yeah, let me grab a blanket."
Saihara was more than a good friend, he was my best friend. People joked about us dating quite frequently and though the thought did cross my mind I decided to take things one step at a time. Take the break-up at face value. Consider dating Shuichi later.
"So... how's the ice-cream?" He asked, scooping into it with the spoon he took from my kitchen.
"Oh, you're back. Yeah, it's pretty good. To be completely honest this is my third tub."
He gave me a small, sympathetic smile. "Try not to let Amami get you down. He's a prick, and pricks don't deserve your grief."
"I know, I know... it's just unexpected. I really though we had something... surely we had something...?" I was half speaking to myself at this point.
He sighed slightly.

Shuichi's POV

Seeing someone you loved be tossed aside by the lucky guy they called their partner sucked.
Seeing them in such a state afterwards was even worse.
"Y/N, maybe we should take a walk and clear your head? The last thing you need is to be cooped up in here."
They returned a small nod. "Sure. Why not. Yeah. It sounds fun."
The SHSL y/t stood up from the heaps of blankets that they were tucked under and handed me the rest of the tub of ice-cream. They were wearing loose-fitting, comfy-looking f/c clothes.
"I'll be right back, I just have to grab my (scarf/hat/boots/whatever) from upstairs." They seemed at least slightly perkier than before.
Their phone was left on the side and it bleeped.
I decided to turn it off for them when I saw the message.

Amami: hey, i really want to talk to you? Meet at the town library now pls? Xx

I sighed, closing my eyes and debating what I should do.
The thought of deleting or responding to the message briefly crossed my mind, but I ended up leaving it be temporarily.
Key word - temporarily.
My mind ran rampant with thoughts. What if Rantaro tried to hurt them again? Wouldn't it be best just to delete the message, for her sake?
I did it without thinking.
"Hey, wassup?" Y/N chuckled, shooting lazy fingerguns at me. They did seem to be doing better with me around instead of Amami. They seemed to be constantly exhausted with him around.
Thankfully I'd managed to put their phone down before getting caught. Guilt swelled up inside of me.
"Ready to go?" I swallowed.
"Yep." They responded, and off we went.
...I really did try to keep her away from the library.
I really did.

Rantaro's POV

I was leaning against the closed library's door and glancing left and right, left, right, left, right for Y/N's figure in the fleeting daylight.
I could barely make out the traces of stars that speckled the night sky by the time I saw Them. They were laughing with Saihara.
I have nothing against the guy, but Y/N is mine. They were mine. Is it so selfish to want someone that you love back?
"Y/N." I called out, only to be met with a mildly scowling Saihara.
"Oh, Amami." Their voice seemed frail, like it would break any minute and that they would run into my arms with tears in their eyes. "Hi."
"How's it going? You got my message, yeah?"
Shuichi's face lost all of its colour, and it grew paler as they continued.
"Um, no, I actually wasn't expecting to see you here. Shuichi, did you know about this?"
"—No— I mean yes— it's— it's complicated—"
"Shuichi?" I asked as innocently as I could muster.
"Oh shut it, you out-of-date avocado!" Saihara half-snapped at me.

Rantaro's Ending (Still Rantaro's POV)

"Listen, Y/N..." I began, taking a deep breath and holding one of their hands. "I really really hate myself for every making you feel so awful about yourself. I doubt you'll accept, but I want to ask if you'd want to help me turn over a new leaf and go to prom with me?"
Their eyes welled up, and they turned to Shuichi, clearly looking for that best-friend-nod-of-approval. He nodded his head slightly, his eyes darting up to mine and speaking volumes about what he'd do to me if I hurt the SHSL y/t again.
She kissed me suddenly, before we parted for breath.
"I hope you stay true to your promise of turning over a new leaf, Rantaro Amami, because I would honestly hate to lose you."

Shuichi's Ending (Shuichi's POV)

"Shuichi, did you not want me to meet up with Amami or something?"
"Well," I began, still a spluttering mess of emotions. "Yeah. I'm so sorry, but I just—"
"Hey, is it okay if I just—?" They pecked me on the cheek.
Static silence, only interrupted by my internal screaming.
"Sorry," they chuckled, as red-faced as me and with a lovestruck glint in their eyes. "I just thought that I'd let you know that I'd always pick you over an 'out-of-date avocado' as you so eloquently put it."
They turned their head to Amami. "Take notes from Shuichi. He knows how to treat a date."
Needless to say prom with the SHSL Detective was a blast (especially since it was a murder-mystery themed party)!

Word count - 1219.

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