(O/S) Mastermind! Kokichi x Fem!Reader x Mastermind! Kiibo

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Requested by @GamerLizzyOffline. Also, @LiruAkerima wanted me to shout out their DR boyfriend and girlfriend scenario book 'journal of updates', so please go and check it out!
Fic title: Great Minds Think Alike.


I just wanted to help Junko. I just wanted to spread despair so that the people of the world become equally despaired. Then, I found myself in a killing game, only knowing about my past with Junko. Junko... Junko... killing game... the words were there but the connection was weak. Despair, hope, life, death, trust, betrayal, all the words became the same to me.
Kaede had just died. I wanted to smile, but I didn't. Why would I want such a thing? The blood looked so delicious. So bright.
I left the trial room, falling into step with Kiibo. He looked tense. Was that just a robot thing?
I tapped him on the shoulder. His icy eyes darted to me. "Yes, Y/N?"
"Kaede's dead."
"Yep, I... I gathered that much."
He was so despaired - that much was obvious. The way his shoulders were hunched and paranoia slipping its way into his voice made it so clear, so wonderfully clear, that his soul was rotting into despair. Do robots even have souls?
Who knows?
Who cares?
"Kiiboy!" I heard a familiar voice shout from behind us. Kokichi, smiling as if it were any other day, sauntered towards us. He slung an arm over Kiibo's shoulder. "I was hoping I could have a chat with you in the library."
Kiibo scoffed. "What is this chat about, exactly?"
Kokichi stepped on the robot's foot. "Important stuff. Death stuff. Normal stuff!"
My interest? Piqued.
"May I join you?" I asked.
Oma glanced me up and down. He shrugged. "Nah."
I frowned as the duo sauntered away.

Kiibo's POV

Kokichi and I were in the Mastermind HQ. Our viewership was at an all-time high. Lots of comments on Kaede's death. We had to go harder, for the sake of hope winning. We had to get as much despair out of the way as we could early on. then, happiness would follow.
Kokichi's eyes were serious. "I just received word from one of the producers."
"What about?"
He grabbed my shoulders. "Somebody messed up with the flashback lights." His eyes were glassy with anxiety.
"They what?!"
He repeated himself. "Somebody messed up with the flashback lights."
"In what way?" I asked.
"One of the students believe themselves to be Ultimate Despairs, successors to Junko."
"But who?"
"No-one knows. We're monitoring everyone's behaviour right now, making sure the Ultimate Despair's memory can be fixed. If not, we'll have to kill them."
"K-Kill them?"
Kokichi nodded, gravely. "Even if it's Y/N."
Kokichi and I had liked Y/N greatly. She was fun to have around and be around, and she didn't bog the plot line down with angst and gloominess. She kept the show upbeat and fun, like Kokichi did, but more genuine. Kokichi and I exchanged a glance.
"So what do we know about them?"
"Female. Likes the taste of blood."
"That's it?"
He nodded.
I leaned back in my chair, my head in my hands. "So, I suppose we should get out there and find this gal?"
"First person to find her before the next trial wins."
"Wins what?"
"I don't know, bragging rights for the next two seasons."
"You're on."

Kokichi's POV

I was chilling out in the courtyard with my empty bottle of Panta. Kiiboy had scampered off to the canteen while I knew exactly where to look. The courtyard was big, open - potential for lots and lots of different traps and killing techniques. If they liked the taste of blood and wouldn't have it for a while, they'd snap and kill. So, I sat and relaxed, trying to get the last drops of Panta from the bottom of my bottle.
A figure passed me. Y/N L/N, the SHSL Y/T.
"Oi! Y/N!" I called. "Sit with me! I'm bored!" I put on a whiny voice and she rolled her eyes. She replied gruffly, saying that she'd only sit with me for a few minutes.
She was scratching the back of her hand madly.
"Eh? Y/N, stop scratching your hand so hard, yeesh."
"Sorry." She didn't stop though. Pink blood formed on her hand, oozing.
The ultimate test.
I stared her down intensely, as she watched her hand bleed. Her hand twitched. She didn't blink once.
Then, she was gnawing on her hand madly. Bingo! My eyes lit up as I tore the hand from her mouth and held her down against the ground. It was getting late, and I was just thankful that nobody was around to see.
Nobody aside from Kiibo.
He ran up to me, panting and helped me pick Y/N up. She was squealing at us to stop, so I just covered her mouth with my hand.
We put her down in the Mastermind HQ and started barking orders at the producers to fetch us a new flashback light.
Kiibo decided to add, "Get a Mastermind Flashback Light."
I grinned at him. Mastermind Flashback lights were used if the Mastermind (or Masterminds in this case) wanted another Mastermind. In fact, in season twenty everyone was a Mastermind and only two survived! Myself and Kiibo. Ever since then, we've been gladly working together to improve Danganronpa!
Though, adding Y/N to our roster thoroughly excited me.
She learned about the lies we spread. She learned about her deception. She grinned wildly. She pecked us both on the cheek.
"I love you both for this. Let's get out despair on!"
Kiibo chuckled. "Great minds think alike."
"You're clearly not one of them."

Kind of don't like the ending, but I still hope you enjoyed!

Word count - 972.

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