(O/S) Kokichi x Fem! Despair Disease! Reader

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Requested by @Captain_GunZawa. I didn't know what kind of despair disease you had in mind but I hope this is okay. Enjoy!
Fic title: Wordless.


I got sick.
I couldn't tell if it was a fever or a flu but I stayed in bed, red-faced and sneezing constantly, a headache pounding inside my skull.
Kirumi, one of the few people to help me through my sickness, got the axe. The saws? The... whatever her execution was. She died, in short.
I wondered if I'd get a trial if I died from my illness. Maybe somebody would kill me.
I wasn't too bothered. I had a one in sixteen chance of surviving which had only gone up to one in twelve. My hopes were hardly high.
It was still incredibly likely that a knife would get plunged into my abdomen or I'd be plunged into freezing water, squashed, burned, boiled, eaten alive, the possibilities were endless.
I was sick of it.
Kokichi returned from the kitchen with another Panta. He's offered to keep me company if it meant I'd try Panta for the first time. Sure, sugary drinks were still difficult to stomach, but I'd take that over being all alone during a killing game.
The label was designed weird. Purple, yes, as most grape-flavoured items were, but the writing was... fuzzy. I would have just passed it off as a defect if Kokichi's didn't look the same.
Weirder so, the words seemed to be shaking. Fuzzy and shaking and unreadable.
"Ehah.." I exhaled out of my nose in a small tired laugh, "Weird packaging."
Kokichi didn't comment but merely raised an eyebrow. He unscrewed the cap and watched the bubbles fix to life.
We clinked bottles.
It did taste good, I couldn't deny it. Things always seem better when you're with a friend, if Kokichi even was a true friend.
Kokichi placed his hand on my forehead. I was too tired and confused to get flustered.
"You don't seem to be getting any better, Y/N..." he mumbled, taking another sip of his drink. "The sugar perking you up a bit?"
"Eh..." I replied sluggishly, "I think it'll take a second to kick in properly."
Kokichi leaned back with a slightly concerned look on his face. "How can I end this killing game when I can barely help you stand up properly?"
"Kokichi, don't be dramatic." I half-chuckled, the sugar helping a bit with my mood. "I can stand, I just prefer to lie down. I'll be fine, I trust you."
He grinned. "But should you?"
"Eh, what can you do?" I remarked, half-hopelessly and half-humorously. "Humans were made to die and if I die by your hands... what can I do?"
It would upset me. The guy's nice, I even considered to ask him out before I got sick. Still, he had his reasons for wanting to get out, and I had mine. Mostly wanting to get to a hospital before I died of whatever had plagued me.
"Y/N, come on, I was kidding. You're supposed to read between the lines or something. The SHSL Wordsmith my ass."
I rolled my head to the side on my pillow, looking away from him and the harsh lights above him. "I'm tired."
"Maybe books might make you feel better."
"You don't have to stay with me, you know."
"I want to. Here, this one looks interesting."
He pulled a book from the shelf and handed it to me. I sat up straight and rested on my lap.
It was titled... titled... huh.
I couldn't read the title.
Fuzziness and motion.
"That's um... Kokichi, can you read this?"
Kokichi glanced over. "Uh, yeah, it's f/b (favourite book). Why?"
"It's just..." I flicked through the pages, seeing more incoherent words. Were they even words at this point. "You're not lying, are you?"
"Y/N, I only lie when I'm bored and this situation just got more interesting for me. And scary." He added quickly when I shot him a small glare.
"I... the words are jumbled." I explained briefly. "I can't..."
Words had been a big part of my life. They'd always been there, like Kokichi was being there, and to have that torn away from me... it hurt.
"Y/N?" Kokichi caught on pretty quickly and pointed at a random jumble of fuzz. "What does this say?"
"I don't know, I can't see it." I tried to stay calm. I drew a deep breath. "So, is this what despair feels like?"
Kokichi shook his head. "No. No no no. You're not falling into despair because of this. I won't let you. I won't let you commit murder over this." He promised, moving closer to me.
"Kokichi... what is it with you and trying to fix everything?" I asked.
Kokichi looked away, towards the door and then at his hands. "It's be boring to sit around and watch. I'd be boring."
I stared at him and said nothing. "You're not going to... murder anyone, right?"
He met my gaze confidently. "Not anyone else, no. Not while you're out here keeping the game interesting."
"...I wish I could find my words right now. You make me feel all warm inside." I chuckled, the small laugh soon dissolving into a cough.
"Naww, that's adorable. You're adorable." Kokichi teased, poking me playfully. "Now, I'm going to read to you and you're going to listen. Sound fun?"
"That sounds patronising."
"It's either that or the SHSL Wordsmith loses her words."
I weighed the options. He seemed mildly surprised that he took things that far, wording things in that way, but I figured it was worth a shot.
"Go ahead, then."
We sat for hours, briefly escaping the killing game into the fictional world of f/b. My mind was all hazy by that point. I think we both knew what was going to happen.
I didn't have much time left. Not much time left at all.
I sighed wistfully as Kokichi closed the book. Was he... tearing up? For real? Was it all a lie? No, there was no build-up. All of Kokichi's crocodile tears had a good build-up.
"Y/N, before you leave me entirely..." His voice was shaky but held a determination which I admired him for. "I want you to know I love you."
My words were gone. Everything was going. Not long. A nodded my weary head in acknowledgement, in agreement.
"Kokichi, end the game for me."
A few deaths later, he'd do just that. He'd meet Y/N in the afterlife and they'd be buried side by side, truly resting in peace as they both knew that Danganronpa had ended for good. They'd share a Panta or two and read since Y/N's illness was gone.
However, at that moment, Kokichi Oma cried as Y/N L/N was lost to the Killing Game.
Only one word could encapsulate the tsunami of emotions wracking his chest.
But neither hope or despair would matter in the end. Both caused more problems than they were worth.
So the couple would sit in the clouds and not care, and not worry.
As it should be.

Word count - 1215.

Ahhhh sorry this took so long to write—!

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