(H) NDRV3 girls react to an s/o coming out as gay/bi/pan/etc...

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Miu Iruma-
-she's busy working on fixing something
-you text her and tell her to meet you at *favourite place*
-she's annoyed that you dragged her away from work
-you meet up with her and sit her down
-you nearly throw yourself out of the closet because you know Miu understands how it feels to feel attraction for people of the same gender *cough cough*
-she gives you a thumbs up and turns to leave, muttering
-'called it, Tenko owes me ¥10'

-she's sleeping in while browsing the Internet
-her phone goes off
-it's you
-'hey, can you meet with me at *favourite place* to teach me magic?'
-she was there in ten minutes flat
-you stumble out of the closet with the door half closed
-she hugs you and tells you that her magic let her know
-you played along
-(you secretly wanted her to have a magic gay/bi/pan/etc-dar)
-'now, let's get to teaching you magic, shall we?'

-she knows
-Angie knows all thanks to Atua's knowledge!
-she's trying to drag you out of the closet feet first
-so one day you decide to clamber out
-you draw a rubbishy drawing of you holding up a sign that read 'I'm gay/bi/pan-etc!'
-you drew the sketch and showed it to Angie
-she offered to redraw and paint it
-and then, hugs ensued
-'Don't worry! Atua created a diverse world for a reason!'

Kaede Atamatsu-
-decides to play a Dodie song on her piano
-lightbulb moment from you
-'can you play the song 'I'm Bi' by Dodie? It speaks to me'
-(if you're pan, gay, etc, you ask her to improvise the lyrics for your sexuality)
-the penny only drops after the songs
-let's just say she gets a certain Supreme Leader to set you up with a date ;)
-(I'm sorry lol ;-;)

-you're offering to help her clean up
-she insists that you relax and that she'll be done in a minute
-'or you can come out and I'll let you help me'
-Kirumi w h a t
-'was it that obvious?'
-(this one was bad I was out of ideas ;-;)

-notices your constantly deep in thought
-decides the best course of action is to stalk you
-it was the plain and simple option to her
-she sees you chatting with someone about your sexuality (like it just came up in conversation)
-it was probably Kiibo learning more about humans
-so Tsumugi sews your pride flag into a dress/suit/some article of clothing
-lets everyone know what's going on about ur sexuality and her plan
-everyone's cool with it
-she gives it to you
-you cry and hug her
-((you kind of got annoyed when you realised she outed you but whateVER--))

-she's in the middle of training with Kaito
-he leaves for the bathroom and you ask her if she can talk for a second
-'don't waste my time'
-you wanted to make it quick so your rush the words
-you repeat yourself when asked to
-'oh, cool. Good to know'
-Kaito soon returned, and Maki asked if you could train with them
-Kaito's cool with it and you spend the next few hours doing push-ups
-needless to say, you died :')

-she's beating the Hell out of a crash dummy
-she waves you over when she spots you
-she offers to spur you
-you do
-you silently swore to yourself that you weRE' T STALLING YOU WERE JUST WAITING FOR THE RIGHT TIME--
-you both take a break and chug like a litre of water
-you come out using a cheesy joke
-she punches your arm with a huge smile
-'that's great! To be honest, I kind of knew it. Also, if anyone tries to hurt you about it, I will teAR OUT THEIR SPINE'
-overall supportive

Word count - 649.

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