(H) The DRV3 squad as parents

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Requested by @Fransthemacthmaker. Enjoy!


-Would be pretty responsible.
-He'd never ground you, but he'd find different ways to correct any negative behaviour.
-Parent help books fill his shelves.
-Poor dude has no idea what he's doing.
-When you're an angsty teen he tries to help the best he can.
-Enjoys explaining things.
-Sweet dude.


-She's enjoy playing for you and would teach you the piano.
-She'd be very nice.
-She wouldn't spoil you, but she wouldn't really punish you either.
-You'd have to teach her how to use social media though.
-She enjoyed baking with you.
-She went with her gut when it came to raising you.
-Pretty good parent.


-He was great with homework.
-He could cook decently.
-You had like fifty aunts but whatever.
-His main goal when raising you was to raise a kind, emotionally stable child.
-He made sure to make you comfortable with your feelings.
-And he let you know that it didn't matter how good your grades were, so ling as you tried and you were happy.
-Would encourage you to work things out on your own.
-So unsupportive yet still supportive?


-He was very supportive.
-He would get you therapy if needed.
-He just loved his child very much.
-Homework and projects could be frustrating,
-He'd probably let you get away with going to a 'dentist's appointment' if you didn't do a project on time once or twice.
-He'd play the 'I'm not mad, just disappointed' card a Hell of a lot since it was the truth.
-He'd often worry about doing stuff right and his search history was filled with WikiHow articles on how to do a parent.
-You'd reassure him that he was doing fine.
-You were his reason to get up in the morning.


-Okay, I think we all know what to expect here.
-House is always clean.
-Dinner is always on the table.
-She'd strict but can be very loving and kind.
-Will offer to get you a tutor if needed.
-Will have a strict curfew but will let you go out (if you have bus money, a phone, etc.)
-She works very hard to give you work experience and life experience so that you won't end up serving others like her.
-She'd even teach you all the tips and tricks about how to keep a clean home for when you moved out :')


-She has no idea what she'd doing, but she doesn't even care,
-She'd let you have all the candy and then claim that he was 'testing your self restraint' as you threw it all up.
-She'd be overly trusting with you since she knew that 'Atua was in your heart'.
-Speaking of Atua...
-She wouldn't care if you didn't believe in him since she knew that he was all forgiving!
-But if you did trust in him, great!
-If you were sad she'd do all she could, even if that just meant putting on a random movie and letting you talk your feelings out with a hot cup of tea or something.


-Oh no.
-She'd be a Pintrest parent.
-Or at least try to be.
-She'd fail at making aesthetically pleasing food so she'd just kind of... improvise with protein.
-Of course you were made to exercise excessively and eat well.
-She'd also be the type of parent to march down to the school and demand the best for you, her innocent child.
-So basically she'd Sakura and Beverly Goldberg (from The Goldbergs) combined.


-Okay so this is in an AU where Korekiyo was not in a incestuous relationship with his sister.
-Just pointing that out lol.
-However after his sister (your aunt) passed away he made every effort to keep you happy and healthy.
-Dentist appointments every six months? Let's make that three.
-Eye check up every two years? Half that down to one year.
-Whenever you weren't in school you'd spend a ridiculous amount of time and money travelling.
-He wanted to show you other cultures and teach you the wonder that was anthropology since that's what got him and his sister so close.
-You'd have a lot of inside jokes.
-And you'd have to teach him social media, which he would immediately be enthralled with because, y'know, human beings.
-So yeah :D


-He'd read to you about bugs ever since you were little.
-The Hungry Caterpillar.
-Children's Encyclopedia of Insects.
-All that good stuff.
-He also insisted on taking you outdoors a lot,
-Camping, hiking, studying nature, etc.
-He'd always be concerned if you claimed to be being bullied.
-Of course he was very kind.
-Couldn't discipline for the life of him, though.


-She'd be quite caring.
-She'd insist tat you go to parties and other social events even if you didn't want to.
-She always snuck protection into your bag because Miu.
-She sucked at helping with homework and projects but would storm over to the school if you got anything less than perfect.
-Les than perfect teachers, grades, classmates, and the like.
-Strange mother—


-He'd be the greatest dad.
-Puns // dad jokes all the time, every day.
-He'd enjoy telling you about your star sign.
-He'd also enjoy pointing out where each constellation was.
-Helpful with science homework.
-Pretty much useless for every other subject.
-Knew exactly how to comfort you.
-He sometimes wouldn't take you too seriously.
-Can't cook for shit - you two live off of ready meals, fast food and the meals that you cooked in food tech (idk what they call it in America, cooking class??)
-You binge films during the holidays.
-You dread the day he goes to space in case he doesn't come back.
-And yes, you are aware that that day will come.


-He'd make you learn from your mistakes.
-"I told you you shouldn't have made out with that stranger at that party. They're a slut."
-"Dad, you actively encouraged me to."
-Speaking of sad things like being cheated on and stuff...
-He was the best for getting rid of bullies.
-People literally quaked with fear when he entered the grounds.
-He'd also help comfort you with a fort of pillows and a good film.
-You two really enjoyed setting up pranks together on Halloween.
-And you both joke around in public.
-Good times, good times...


-She was a pretty average mum.
-Cooked fairly well, comforted you when needed.
-However, she looked forward to Halloween.
-She would make you the best costumes.
-u g h
-I don't have many headcanons for her
-She's just too plaiiinnnnn


-Great at everything, from homework to housework.
-However, though he does try to comfort you, he often struggles.
-You let him know that it's okay and that you understand.
-He still feels excruciatingly guilty, though.
-You both joked around a bit about him being a robot, which he didn't mind too much unless you crossed a line.
-Then he'd probably ground you.
-He's quite a cocky parent.
-You know the type, the ones who go to parent-teacher meetings and instantly spew out all of your achievements.
-Protect roomba dad.


-Good cook.
-Average at cleaning.
-Decent listener.
-Bad when handling anything else.
-"What do you mean they changed the method of dividing numbers?!" *flips table*
-Scarily protective.
-You have to practically have a full of scrum debate against her with your friends to be allowed to go to a party.
-You still lose quite often.
-Overall pretty sweet.


-Cannot cook.
-Cannot clean.
-Great at emotional support.
-^^I mean we're talking cozy blankets and your favourite snack, as well as your favourite song playing in the background as you are encouraged to spill your feelings.
-^^SHSL Therapist.
-You are her 'wonderful and magical assistant, Y/N the Great!"
-She's surprisingly okay at homework.
-However she sleeps a lot and you find yourself returning the favour of being an awesome carer.
-It was just a loving cycle of her waking you up for school with a fully made lunch and loving you and you helping her around the house as she slept.
-Great mum.
-Would mum again.

Word count - 1358.

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