(O/S) Korekiyo x Reader

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EDIT: See last chapter
Requested by @PastelAnimeChan
Enjoy! (No killing game AU)
Fic title: Strange.

You'd always enjoyed Korekiyo's company. Many people asked you why, and you always replied with the same things.
"He's different."
"He's understanding."
"He's there for me."
"The strange shouldn't be feared, they should be recognised and understood."
That would be enough to get them to shut up, at least temporarily.
So the day he asked you out on a date, you were ecstatic. Well, it wasn't exactly official - he'd just invited you to the library to study with him. You didn't understand - it was literally your first week at Hope's Peak - but accepted nonetheless.
You spent half of the day rummaging through your wardrobe, trying to find something acceptable to wear. You ended up throwing on a f/c t-shirt and jeans, tying a s/f/c jacket around your waist adding just a little bit of makeup.
Your phone buzzed.
Korekiyo: Hey, I'm at the library. Should I order some tea?
Smiling, you responded.
You: that'd be cool, thanks. I'll be there in five.
Everyone told you the same thing - that you should take him out to a movie or some fancy restaurant. Despite the comments, you both agreed on the local library (which had a bonus cafe nestled in the corner). And so, you set off down the street. It was spring, so all the wildlife was in bloom as you perambulated down the road.
"Hey! Y/N!"
"Tenko, I thought you had Aikido practice today?" Running your hands through your h/c hair, you crossed the street to meet the loud girl.
"Masters don't need practice! Where're you going all by yourself?" She appeared to have a lightbulb moment before you could answer. "Oh, right, Korekiyo! Well, I won't keep you waiting."
Again, before I could respond, she trotted down the street with her head held high. What a character.

Korekiyo's POV

I anxiously traced the lip of my teacup, glancing around apprehensively for Y/N's arrival. Her f/t (favourite tea) was going cold. To calm my nerves, I took a book from a nearby shelf. I'd found a table nestled into a corner of books, as to give us some privacy from the public eye (as much as I did enjoy the town's community). I flicked through the book, glancing and scanning and each line with disinterest.
"You'll be fine, Korekiyo." My sister told me as I lowered my mask. "She'll arrive any moment now."
"You're right." I told myself. A few people were casting weary stares at me, before quickly returning to their reading.
The library door opened revealing Y/N L/N glancing around for me. I coaxed her over and quickly closed my book, filing it back where I had found it.
"Ah, sorry I'm late." She shyly simpered at me. "I got caught up with Tenko on the street."
"Don't worry." I replied. She sipped her tea and got out her textbooks. Oh, we were there to study, weren't we?
In all honesty, we didn't do much studying. We just talked, drank tea, ate scones. She was excellent as f/h (favourite hobby) and offered if I'd like to try it with her sometime. She was certainly one of the few truly beautiful humans. Not only in appearance, but in spirit and morality.
However, this implanted a newfound fear in me. A fear that was close to indescribable. I found myself, throughout the few hours that we spoke, constantly turning the conversation back to her. It was not only because she was interesting to listen to, but I supposed it was out of fear that she would view me as... strange, if she got to know me more.
She asked to arrange a second study meeting, since (like I said) we didn't get much done, and I obliged.
So long as she didn't see that side of me.


When I arrived home, I fell asleep on the sofa. It was barely six in the evening, but I was just exhausted from all of the anxiety I had when meeting him. So I fell into a dreamless sleep until the rising April sun slowly woke me. According to my phone, it was four in the morning. What was that... eleven hours or something? More than enough rest. I slipped out of the house again to get some fresh air. Heaven knows why, but I found myself drawn to the library. Like I said, I had no clue why - it opened at seven in the morning and even then it was usually empty. I sat on the steps and gazed out at the purple-blue sky still studded with stars. It traced around the rooftops perfectly, reminding me how lucky I was to be alive at that moment. It was so... quiet. So, I just kept staring. Time passed; ten minutes, twenty minutes, I forgot.
That is until I saw a silhouette, a shadow if I were to be more accurate, slip down the street. Once again without thinking, I followed it. I think it was because I knew it was Shinguji.
My footsteps were louder at night, as was my breathing, so the silhouette turned around and stared at me with wide eyes.
"Ah. I apologise if you were curious about my motives."
I didn't speak, but just fell into step with him.
He seemed hesitant.
"Y/N, such beauty should be fearful of my strange presence. Why do you feel the need to be close to me?"
I managed to hold eye contact with me. "The strange shouldn't be feared, they should be recognised and understood. I'll... leave it at that for now."
"Ah. I appreciate that."
"So, I want to understand you. What are you doing out alone at this time?"
He paused from his walking, as if evaluating how he should walk. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. He started striding down the street again, and began to explain.
"My sister's grave is nearby. I... read to her spirit."
"What do you read to her?"
He gave me a dumbfounded expression, raising an eyebrow, before sighing. "Folklore stories. Fables. Tales from afar."
"Would you like me to leave you alone so you can read to her?"
Was he nearly crying?
"No," he replied, "you deserve to meet her. I just," he choked on his own breath for a second, "I just appreciate how open-minded you're being. To both of us."
"Like I said, you shouldn't be feared."
The graveyard slithered into view on the horizon. I traced the gate's intricate markings that came from cracked paint and followed him to a tombstone. He knelt, and I followed his movement. For the first time, he tugged down his mask to reveal lipstick.
"Dearest brother," Korekiyo spoke gently, "Who is this? Is this the Y/N you told me about? SHSL y/u?"
"Yes." He said to himself, pulling up his mask.
I was quite confused, but stayed calm.
Korekiyo turned to me, his hand still on his mask. "I can speak to my sister my pulling down my mask. She is... apart of me now."
"I see. What is your sister's name?" I swallowed my nerves.
"I'm Maiyadera Shinguji." The sister said, tugging down her mask. "I understand this may be confusing, but do not fret."
I smiled at her gently. Blushing, I asked her, "Can you please tell Korekiyo that I love him no matter what? I'm slightly nervous to do it face to face."
"But of course. Korekiyo, dear, L/N loves you very much."
Korekiyo pulled up his mask, clearly on the verge of tears, and hugged me. "Thank you." He whispered.

Word count - 1284.

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